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This is going to hurt big time....


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Fog in the UK has led to BA cancelling all flights that have a viable alternative means of travel... Heathrow all domestic flights are cancelled. As well as those to CDG and Brussels.

Manchester has been lucky today... but fog is expected tomorrow and dayafter. I am slated to fly out of Manchester on friday... if my flight is cancelled then I need to take a train to London I guess and catch the train... which is going to suck big time...


Lets see what happens.. :(

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The thing about fog is that it can 'come & go'.

If a flight can get out, then it will, on the basis that there's a reasonable chance that the visibility will be good enough to land on the return leg - things can change over the space of 30 mins or less.  If the plane is airborne, it'll put down where it can, maybe 100's of kms from where you want.

The problem (as with all delays) is if your flight is late-ish in the day and the previous rotations have been buggered up (as above - planes in the wrong place), then everything is up the proverbial creek.

It'll ......be ....... alright ..........., but if perchance not, I'm told that they do a mean turkey dinner at Manchester Apt.  Good Brussel Sprouts


.............. and stuffing. 

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The problem at Heathrow is that to allow for safety on the taxiways they have doubled the interval  between planes  for both takeoffs and landings. This has meant to maintain as many movements as possible they have had to cancel  most if not all internal flights as well as flights to Paris and Brussels. The fog situation is expected to last a further 48 hours.

The situation at Stansted has been normal today because it has been clear of fog, however fog is expect in the Anglia region tomorrow but let's hope it stays clear of Stansted.


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[quote user="Afy"]

150 GBP to London and then... 300 GBP one way to paris..... Ouch... Ouch .... Ouch

But thankfully the company would pay... if they agree. Otherwise I guess its Christmas in Manchester Airport... Yipppeee


Well the cost is a consideration of course but just getting a ticket may not be so easy.......

What does Manchester airport website say about the situation ?

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Well, whilst I commiserate with you all on this situation, I have a thought for my son whose flight is due in Heathrow on Friday, around lunch time, from Armenia where he is working.

His last Email was on Tuesday evening, telling me that he was now out of contact as they had to take their satellite dish down, because of blizzards forecasted, as well as putting it into secure storage, and that 3 of his colleagues had been stranded for 2 days in Yerevan (the capital with the only airport in the country) as their flight to UK was delayed due to fog there. He was leaving his place some 300 miles south east of Yerevan yesterday (Wed.20th) morning in expectation that they could find the road covered with heavy snow fall and drifts and that at the highest point : 2500m (approx 7000ft) it may be blocked altogether.... 

Sounds like loadza fun [:(]


Merry Xmas to you all...[:)]

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wishing you all the best of luck getting to where you wanna be for chrismas. I have just got my man home from nigeria so I can relax now , If you cant get to where you wanna be. have fun where you are ...................luck to you all fingers crossed[:D] 
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[quote user="Missy"]

.... I have a thought for my son whose flight is due in Heathrow on Friday, around lunch time, from Armenia where he is working. .....[/quote]  

[:(]   ...Well the latest update (6am this morning!)  is that his flight is delayed from his end because the connecting flight he needs to take, has not yet arrived from Kazakstan....   

Borat!! (Kazakstani for dugger! for duck! for Gawdsake!) [:P]

then at his airport in Yerevan there is a couple of feet of snow and planes are grounded till further notice!...

so.... Ho! Ho! Ho!.... he may arrived with Father Christmas...... [:D]

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