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Where are you spending Christmas?


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Xmas day we will be in a sleepy village in a valley just outside Bath with our youngest son and  family..Boxing Day we will have 10 to feed at  our home in Dorset as the rest of our  family then come to us....and into the new year we head for the Vendee again...we may just  need a rest !  
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There seem to be a lot of Brits who live in France going to Blighty for Xmas - we started having them at the beginning of the month and the last of our returnees passed through yesterday.  Tonight and tomorrow we've got Brits coming over to visit rellies here, so it's a 2-way traffic!

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Going the other way, UK to France as self and daughter are invited to spend Christmas with French friends between Lyon and Chambery. Bizarrely, over the many (many) years I have been visiting and sometimes lived in France, I have never spent a *French* Christmas in a French family.  Apparently we are *not* having turkey  :-(

Mind you, if the fog keeps up, we shall still never know a French Christmas - and we shall have to chomp our way through a lot of smoked salmon and bacon (our contribution)!


My goodness, Cassis.  I hadn't noticed how many b*lls you have under your name! Or are they just a Christmas decoration ?

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Yes - my baubles are a Xmas Special. [:D]

Our guests en route to the south of France from Yorkshire arrived an hour or so ago - poor things have been up since 2.00am today.  [:(]  Mr said he had never before seen fog like today in Yorkshire.

But they are settled in now and having an early night after a cuppa and plate of biccies, ready for a 7.00am start tomorrow (another 6 hrs drive ahead of them, apparently).

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Spending my first Christmas day off in four years at home in Devon.  We have fourteen (including my three grandchildren) people for Christmas lunch [:'(]  It's been a while since we've all been under the same roof at the same time so I'm really excited.  Back to work boxing day - if I survive [:-))]
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Cassis, can it be true that you only joined LF a year ago ?

PS Seen on a Christmas card - 'Hope the sausage of your life is dipped in the ketchup of happiness'

Why did that remind me of you ?[:)][:)]


'Fraid so.  Xmas Day 2005.  Bit embarrassing, really! [:$]

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