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humorous story that i had done in my school!


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hello every body ,am so new in this forum ,

i think to begin my first topic of this humorous story :

i begin by presenting my self : i am currently ,a student in an intitut of telecommunication , but before that i had passed three years in the

most important school in ALGERIA which is called "ENPEI",means that :"preparatory school for engineering studies".

so, i am so lazy ,and rarely practise sport.

i must pass an exam of sport , but i decided to dont pass it.

so what i have done???

when the exam begin , i  started the last ,and runned very slowly until the finishing of the exam, that girls had classified better than me.

but the big surprise that ,finally i classified the fourth among 20 person.

really that it is a very enigma??

in your opinion what that i have done ,to classify like this??

ps: excuse me for my english ,i am so beginner in this langage  .





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thanks  for your interest chris.

here is the raison that why i had classified the fourth:

it's the mistake of the manager who took my  number, and he didn't took account that there is one who is ,very late(like me).


what do you think about what i have done?  

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On another thread:

[quote user="djemai"]

HI every body!

i need advices to how to learn english?

speaking and especially  writing, i need a good writing??

thanks for all interest!


Why not keep it all on this one thread, Djemai, otherwise we'll be all over the place.

How have you learned your English until now and are those lessons continuing?

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  • 3 weeks later...
When I was at school many years ago, the Physical Education teacher was a retired naval Chief Petty Officer.

We  always addressed him as "Admiral"

I suggest, Jemai, that when speaking to your sport teacher, you should always call him "mon Colonel".  Then, even if he finds out about his mistake, he may not fail you or punish you.

Patrick ,

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