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Is this a record?

Dick Smith

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Dick - I will 'Report' your post about 'Deleting' to ensure it comes to the notice of James. The Edit function was changed because somebody was posting then deleting the contents of their post almost immediatly and without explanation. That has now stopped but I suspect the delete function might be linked in some way to that. The problem is we have no manual for this software and it's all a bit of 'suck it and see'. The problem is you 'suck' but you don't 'see' because the software can take hours to react. The ladies spent about 3 hours one night trying all this out and gave up in the end.

General - If you want to discuss to discuss BB (I hate the show myself) then I think the lounge is the best place. Please try and keep it civil and within the 'rules', thats all we ask

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[quote user="Will "]

In a word, or two words, it's all to do with people-watching.

i.e. start a topic or make a comment, probably a bit tongue-in-cheek, and see how the users respond. The "I don't watch big brother but..." thing is, to bring it down to the BB level, a bit like the old lady who complained to the police that her neighbour over the road often flashed at her from his bedroom window. When the constable went round he was mystified - "Madam, you can't even see the man's bedroom window from your room". "I can if I stand on top of the wardrobe" was the reply. That probably doesn't really explain it, but I think 5 element knows what I am talking about.


With respect, that is complete rubbish. The statement made by myself and others, namely "I don't watch Big B*****ks,  is just that, a statement of fact. If you're reading anything into that well it must make your life very complicated.

I also don't watch Eastenders or Coronation St, what do you make of that, I wonder.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Chris - it's always been like that, people complained about it when we changed to the new software way back. It's the 'delete post' function, not 'edit' which works OK afaik.

I thought this was the lounge?

Got it half right, I said it was the Delete function when I registered you question in the moderators section. Yes you are right, it is the Lounge, senior moment there on my behalf, sorry.

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Bugbear - why so sensitive? I even had to go back to the BB topic to see if you had said more than I thought. You hadn't.

If you really don't watch BB and don't comment on it, that's it - end of story. I don't have a problem with that, in fact I applaud your honesty. I even loved your comment about the TV off button. I don't watch most American TV programmes,  I don't read science fiction, I don't do Suduko puzzles. I don't think you will find me talking about any of them. I do quite often watch Eastenders and enjoy Coronation Street. That you don't do either is probably a point in your favour. I never contribute to, or even read, the motorcycling section of this forum because I don't have, or want, a bike. So we seem to have some common ground of a sort.

The 'interesting' characters (that doesn't imply I find you boring, quite the contrary) to me are those who say they never watch things, but then continue to give their opinions about specific details and plot twists. Do they really watch but are ashamed to say so in so many words? Do they not watch, on principle, but get their knowledge and opinions second hand from the papers (so although they don't watch, they might be just a teeny bit interested)?



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Or (not an aimed comment) - people who do watch things but feel that doing so identifies them in a social group or class that they would prefer not to be identified with, and so deny interest. Which is pretty common on forums, as in life as a whole, and interesting at times.

I can't stand Sudoku, either.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]
I can't stand Sudoku, either.

Thank God and I thought I was the only one [;-)] . I also can't stand that thing with box's and you guess whats in them, can't remember the name.

I did enjoy the play about Tony Blair and War Crimes last night some of which was very funny. I thought the writers must have seen the Tony Benn tour as it seemed to me that one point it was trying to get across is that governemt people have lost 'contact' with the general public.

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Yes, I watched the Tony Blair thing and thought the actors did very well - although they bore little physical resemblance to the characters they managed to get certain mannerisms exactly right. The only exception was the Gordon Brown character, totally unconvincing.

The problem I had with it was that it was just too close to reality. I am one of those who would actually be quite pleased to see somebody stand trial on the matter, though I would not want just Tony Blair to be accused without George Bush. Somehow the fictional Blair seemed too weak, and not devious enough - OK for a fictional PM based on TB, but unconvincing in this context. I also thought more should have been made of the David Cameron character and the Tories (especially the dim PR girls), that was an opportunity not to be missed. In real life, faced with a government headed by a fresh and uncharismatic PM, whose predecessor has been charged with war crimes, the opposition leader would be doing a lot more than reluctantly riding around on a bicycle to show his green credentials (a different popular appeal every day - that was brilliant). Or perhaps the portrayal of Conservative ineffectiveness was intended? 

To me the best TV mockery of Tony Blair, apart from the man himself, is Anthony Head's PM in  Little Britain.

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I like Sudoku. 

I have never seen Big Brother but as I am not both deaf and blind I am aware of its existence and its general content due to other peole's discussions.  I suspect if it were shown in English on French TV I would watch it, but that is more of a reflection on French TV.

Sorry.  Am I banned?

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Well I am as cheesy as a wotsit.  I love BB and I'm a celebrity.  I love 80's disco music and am always first to join the boat dance in weddings.  I love black forest gatox and prawn cocktail in a pretty stem glass.

I think the topic Dick asked was "Is this a record?"  Sorry buddy, I dont think so, I had 5 posts pulled by one of our mods last week within the scope of 4 minutes.  Now that's what I call hot little digits!!

Anyone fancy the bunny hop?

Oh and while I remember did the mod in question get back to me to explain?  Nope not on your nelly although three others cleaned the toilet for her.

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[quote] I think the topic Dick asked was "Is this a record?"  Sorry buddy, I

dont think so, I had 5 posts pulled by one of our mods last week within

the scope of 4 minutes.
  Now that's what I call hot little digits!![/quote]


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