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Ladybird Forgery

Furry Knickers

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Hello there, How's it hanging!

I was wondering if any of the animal experts out there in the forum could confirm if this is a picture of a genuine Ladybird, or if it is a forged Ladybird?

The picture was sent to me today by the lovely Molly O'Hare from Dingle Bay in Kerry. She said it was taken this morning in her garden and as it reminded her of the time we first met back in Kildare, she thought she would send it to me!  Josephine has studied the picture and said it was a fake! She saw me looking at the picture again this afternoon as she was watching the martians on the telly, and she went mad and stormed out of the house saying "you know I hate it when you get them insecticidal pictures from that whore" I said to Josephine "you are going to miss the end of the martian film if you go now"  It was no good, she went off and took all her tupperware and her lingery with her. Molly is so different to the Josephine one! she is so kind and gentle and loves all the creatures that are around her. Molly O'Hare has got a past history of fraud regarding Ladybirds! She once gave me a woodlouse that she painted with red nail varnish and put the black spots on him with a felt marker pen, and she told me it was a giant multi legged Ladybird only found in Guatamala!  so that is why I am suspicious about this picture!



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There is something fishy about that creature.

Unless it's the little known Rough Blobbed Cerise Ladybird. Could Ms O Hare have tried to pass one of them off on you? I would put nothing past that woman.

When Josephine returns (as she always does) tell her she is lucky she missed the end of the film. Things didn't go as well for those Martians as they were expecting.

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Dear Mrs Tresco,

I don't know if the O'Hare one has any Blobbed Cerise Ladybirds, but if she has, would you like to buy one?

Josephine has just come back with a bag of Percy Pigs from Marks and Spencer as a peace offering (do you think I should take them)  I did tape the martian film for her, as I knew she would return, because it's Pug washing night every sunday! We love to wash John together while listening to me 70's music on the radio gram, it is very terrorputic and is very good for John too! He loves that song about the cat with the pregnant wife that is going into labour and has nothing to wear to the hospital!  Do you know it?

I hope that poor Gene Barry was not took away by them martian lads! They make human blokes mate with the martian girls to produce marmans! There are loads of them in Utah, in the USA. I had the marmans call round on St Patricks day, and one of the girls had green lips! I asked her why her lips were green, and she said "I kiss me plants every night before I go to bed" I thought that was really lovely, and I was so touched, that I am now composing a song based on her true life story and how she has to face everyday life with green lips.


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Dear Twinkle,

That cat has frightened the living Jazus out of John! He was so contented after his bath too.  After his bath, he  loves to leap onto the bed and run and jump all over it, and he finishes off by running round in a circle on the duvet, making little sounds like a lawn mower. I think that after me bath tonight, I shall do the same! Shur, What harm would it be?

I knew a girl called Rose Bush!


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Dear Mrs Animal,

Mrs Gupta is grand, and I last washed me duvet on St Patricks day, as it is a custom in Kildare that I grew up with! You would see all the owl ones hanging up their bedspreads (we never had duvets in them days) on the washing line as a symbolic gesture to show that the bedspreads were snake free. I remember one St Patricks day back in Kildare when I was only small, Me poor Mammy was reading me a bedtime story about Adrian the ice skating antelope, when I asked her "mammy, who is St Patrick?" she told me "he drove all the snakes out of Ireland many years ago" I asked her "what sort of car did St Patrick drive the snakes away in mammy" she said "he had a big American car like that Liver Archie lad has".


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