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Description of Prescott on TV today..........................


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Ron, why are you shouting?


Just to please you Dotty I have edited the post By the way the ABOVE IS SHOUTING what was there before was a mistake. Me hard work at times[Www][Www]

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So are these the best examples that you can come up with for JP acting before thinking or do you need more time?

Well I never,  what a barsteward playing croquet at 16-30 in the afternoon on a team building exercise,  30 minutes after most of the BBC and civil service had gone home[:-))].  Last one I was on we tied together planks of wood to get across a lake, better than croquet although I have played it on management courses as relaxation between sessions. By the way you are allowed to talk and discuss things whilst playing croquet.

Bus lanes??  You've got the wrong bloke there they existed long before Prescott and anyway what is wrong with bus lanes?  All the people on buses like them, they get home earlier.  But heh, we cannot have car drivers held up while people in buses and taxis carrying more than one passenger get preference can we?  So Thomas got any more, not very impresed so far, by the way I have back copies of the Mail and the Express if you want to do some research[:P].

The truth is that journalists don't like Prescott because he stands no nonsense from them and he gives as good as he gets and they are just not used to it.  OK he is not the best orator in the world but I would rather see a politician of any hue answer the actual question and tell the truth, and if the journalist is talking bowlocks tell him so, than those like Michael (keep those E European people out of GB I thought I shut the door after they let my family in) Howard who just don't answer the question or should that be 10 questions or just say what they want to say anyway, whatever the question.

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Well it's pretty clear Ron, that you are a fan of the Fat Controller and I personally don't have a problem with that.

By the same token I think you must accept that there are an awful lot of people who don't have the same opinion of him that you do.

Rather than ask for examples of what he got wrong perhaps it would be better if you could give real examples of things that he got right. They should be things he started and actually finished. To put the icing on the cake it would be nice to identify something that he finished successfully and has actually proved to be of benefit to anyone.

Take your time.........................................[:)]


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Picture the scene Ron

JP at Downie Wood: I have just been left in charge of the country ... the main man Tony is off to Cliff's house for a much needed break  ... the press have been having a right go at me this last week ... totally uncalled for, again ... of course ... my grace and favour mansion (for which most MPs do more for than I ever will) is surrounded by photographers ... what am I going to do today ... I know I will have a game of croquet on the lawn with the boys and girls who usually do all the work for me [:-))]

That in my book is acting before thinking ... dont need no back issues of any newspapers to work that one out ... maybe having a game of croqet is not the crime of the century where politicians are concerned. But, there is a time and place for everything ... and he asked for the grief he got over that one ... which shows (just to repeat myself) he acts before thinking ... anyone with a brain cell would not have given it to the waiting photographers on a plate ... the man lacks judgement.

Re bus lanes, Ron you clearly do not know JP as well as you think you do - best you go and look through those back issues of the Mail and Express you got and find out a little more about JP ... the issue over the bus lanes was not that he brought them in ... but that he thought they were meant for him in his jag [:-))] ... again the man lacks judgement.

Millenium Dome ... bidding for the Super Casino ... trips to Texas Ranches ... gifts ... declaring nothing ... no conflict of interest ... there is a pattern ... lack of political nouse

I responded to your challenge knowing you would not be impressed by my examples [;-)]

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I am not a fan but unlike you I have worked for the man unlike you and I have not tried to deride the man from rumour and hearsay, I like to see proof, remind me again what you used to do in the UK.

I have just a bit more intelligence than to believe all that I read in the papers, you are just making judgements based on nothing more than hearsay and gossip and not even getting your quips and quotes accurate attributed. What is really worrying is just how much you seem to be obsessed about the UK and what happens there, me I live in France and am more interested in who is going to be the next French President in 2007, that will have an impact on my life more than which centre right party gets into power in  the UK. 

Achievements of Prescott.

Well, how about creation of affordable housing, urban regeneration, tackling poverty and social exclusion, the millemium celebrations and the completion of  the Jubilee Line extension on time oh amd the creation of a national terrorist response unit.



Just seen this from the site that you misquoted about Soames, now there is a fat bar- steward. Wonder why the Telegraph does not talk about him eating all the pies!!

"Its good to see that while the media are covering petty, insignificant news like the explosive situation in the middle east, crimes against humanity in Darfur and Somalia, thousands dying from AIDs in Africa  it's good to see torch bearing concerned people such as yourself are sticking with the REAL story - taking the piss out of Prescott".

I wish I had written that[8-|]

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Ron I find your repsonse incredibly patronising and condescending ... bit like the man you used to work for ... you do not know anything about me, what I used to do (I dont think I have ever told you), or my intellegence ... I am a British citizen, albeit living in France, I do not feel I have to account for why I continue to follow Bitish politics. I have a bit more intelligence than to buy into the desperate Labour Party line that everything you read in the newspapers is little more than a conspiracy against the current British Government. I saw enough proof in my job, which is why I moved to France.

On your list of JPs achievements ... how many of these do Blair, Brown, etc etc also take credit for having achieved ...

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Me gretest achievemt as to b givin that bloke wiv the mullet aircut a right goin ovar. I know Tone was a bit miffed but by god it were a good jab. Apart frum that av done all rite with some other stuff. An those birds arnt complayning a can tell you that as I want to say before and would say the Tony Blair I mean he and I we do go back a ways and want it and thats not casino money oh no you can say that Humphrey and you can but not me, only fair comment bloody hell you’d better not be editing this are you not me and if Cherie and I mean I really hate that blooody woman New Labour rubbish but getting back to the blooody point if you don't mind Jeremy its all you and the BBC what said that I'm from Hull and what I said and I mean this Humphrey is not that Philip Ancshluss is a very good friend of mine I like all that I like cowboys and indians I like money well not money exactly and why does that fat lad keep asking for a gin and tonic when he can see Im buzy but as I often say in Hull if you edit this I'll blooody hit you

talkin about social inclusion we can inclood intridusing crokay to the workin class

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