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hull appeal!

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It has taken global warming to do what the Vikings, green telephone boxes and John Prescott could not do. Hull is sinking, flooded out, has been swept away, will not rise from the waves. Please, please adopt a citizen of this former fair city and take them into your home and your lives. We are building a web-site with a list of CV's so you can take your pick. For Southerners interested they will receive free English lessons before joining you in your French chateau or goatherders cottage. They are lovely people, please help generously. For those unable to offer a home, we will be make a contribution botton available on the page or send your donation to woolybanana enterprises, Bank of Howzyococo, Long Tooth Island, Grand Caymen, Bahamaaas. Further help can be obtained by contacting the Mods of this fair site.


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Be careful what you say about Hull, tag. This is the town where I spent most of my adult life. They are lovely people and it's not something to joke about. We have family and many close friends there. And I haven't missed the parody of another thread. 
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Actually I love Hull, even in the days when it stank of fish. Fishstock of the Earth.  Goole on the other hand you can keep. On a wet Monday night it is the closest thing to Hell I have ever seen. Or Llanfairfechan (sp?)

Which is why I am so keen to help out. I do know that bits of the coast there are being abandoned so what I am saying ain't so far off.  I really think the people from there are worth saving. We always talk about low lying countries like Banglapacific being overrun, but we forget our own lowlying areas.

Parody- the only one I know is Vanessa and I'd willingly pull the plug for her. Any resemblance to any other thread is purely coincidental and not in the least provocative. In fact I apologize in advance to anyone who is offended. I raise my tail to you in apology.

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This is NOT something to joke about. You are appear to be ignorant to the devastation caused by these floods as well a being offensive to the people of Hull. YOU may be able to see the"humour" in the situation but with over 15000 homes being affected, with most people being unable to return for at least 9 months it is NO joke!

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Good, a little spark at last. Most of what has happened has been caused by local and national government negligence and by the fact that Hull has been neglected for a very long time. Even down to blocked drains which hed not been cleaned out properly, housing built in flood plains and over concentrations of population. We have to face the fact that a New Orleans will happen with increasing frequency, whether it is caused by hurricanes, increased rainfall or by the sea level rising. This is already happening. When we realise this problem there may be fewer tragedies of this sort. In the meantime we weep or try to laugh a little.
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Yes I will probably do that. Wonder how many others will? I dont know whether we should be doing that or not, but it is a gut reaction.

Just as a matter of interest, have you noticed that this page or the contents page actually carries an appeal for the Katrina Flood Appeal? Perhaps the Hull one might replace it.

Actually I wasn't really joking either. Though it seems that use of irony is not strong on this refugees/mirgants/expats site.

Reread what I wrote

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It is a condition of migrating to France Woolly One, that Brits have their Irony, Sarcasm and Cynical Factor Applicator medically removed, prior to departure.

Which is probably why they move there, in the first place.



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