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The Gym GP Referral Scheme


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I dont know if this also applies in France ...but . I have just found out  UK .GP.s have  a scheme  ( so must have funding )  where they can  refer people who have put on a bit of weight to their local Leisure Centres for attendance of a fitness programme under an Exercise Consultant. Having put on a bit since I retired...I blame the red wine !   I asked my GP to refer me ....so found I was entitled to lower cost gym  membership.... access to trainer etc ...A specific programme  is designed for you to follow with reviews at week 8 and 16 ......On my 1st session I found myself on the treadmill  next to a guy who was 81 and his wife who was 80 ....so if you think these places are just for sweat soaked guys pushing weights or slim dolly birds pounding away on treadmills going flat out ....they are not.... all the time ......most mornings are taken by the retired ......its on offer to us now now .. so .worth taking up .... 
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I read that going to the gym is also good for depression. I think it was an american study - a number of seriously depressed people were given either medication, exercise in the gym, exercise at home, or a placebo. The gym exercise group did as well as the medicated group. So that may be another thing prescribed eventually.
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Patf......They tell me that they are already doing referrals for depression.....also people from the hospital cardiac unit who have had an event ...those I was aware of ... It was the overweight being able to get reduced cost gym exercise on referral that was new to me ......
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I had a referral to a gym in the UK.  Went along for my assesment, the guy I saw asked why I was there - explained to him - and he asked what my medical conditions are and when I told him, he muttered something incomprehensible but sounded like he wanted to transfer my doctor to Jodrell Bank, or something like that.

The trainer guy told me to carry on with the gardening !!!!

So I moved here for a bigger garden (amongst other things) because it's better for my health !!!

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One shouldn't underestimate how the mind can be affected bt the state of the body, and you really don't need a gymnasium. Floor exercise, household objects  and garden work can all be used to lose weight/trim & tone etc. Although the only downside is that you don't get to oggle at the eye candy I guess!

Every day chores like digging, splitting wood or raking can be used to work the body. Simple floor exercises for a few minutes a day and walking, climbing steps, cycling & skipping are all effective cardiovascular work. Everyday objects like logs for instance can be used for resistance exercise. The only absolute is the will to do it and the patience to establish and develop routines.

Speaking as someone who's mind and body was pretty kernackered a few months back I knew at the time my main way out was going to be exercise...to start with it was tough but it gets easier and the results are worth the effort.

The initial sacrifices are less than comfortable if you're in a pattern of bad diet or excess....alcohol and poor/unbalanced diet & smoking (not quite cracked that one yet) in my case, BUT with persistance, the way you look and feel about yourself can be turned around in a relatively short period of time.

I'll bet just after Christmas alot of people will be thinking about how they look on the beach next summer....why not start now?



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