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Mr Wiggy

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After receiving this months Pension, I noticed a sustancial increase in the PAYE (Over 100%).

Has anyone else suffered with this same problem and what can we do to rid ourselves of the increasing

tax burden that the UK government seems to enjoy implementing upon us all?

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Have you had a recent notification of a change of tax coding or can you see a different tax code on your latest pay advice?

This happened to Mrs Benjamin some time last year and it was to do with an exercise being carried out on people receiving an annuity based pension. If you have had a recent code change and it has originated from a HMRC office in Leicester then it's part of the same exercise.

If nothing like this has happened recently then 'phone the Centre for Non Residents and ask them. Mrs Benjamin did and everything was reinstated very quickly.

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Wasn't what I meant at all and I think you both know it [:P]

Taxed in UK or not we all know, do we not, that it still has to be declared in France.

The "opt" in this case was that you can apply for it to be paid tax free in UK - correct or not ?

As I said, not personally  in recipt of any pensions yet so not had to deal with such things directly.

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