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Archbishops comments on sharia law in UK


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Underlined = Danny. Bold = me

Danny's quote:

"On the whole,( I mean as a society or country) people get what they deserve - either through their choice or inaction or their capacity to be distracted. So, I suppose if the UK becomes a Muslim state - I don't know why that should be a negative thing any more than a Christian State would be - then it will be what the people want or should have."

I suppose it depends on whether you are a woman or in another minority that the islamists despise and would want stoned/beheading and the like.As I fit into at least one of those categories I have to disagree that I for one would STRONGLY fear a muslim state over a christian one - just think democracy and liberty vs barbarism and fear based on ideas from the dark ages? Not much of a choice in my book Danny boy! Why do you think I say and believe what I do. Do we learn nothing from history? Do you think in hindsight a jew would not have the right to be just a tiny little bit worried if they were saying similar things to what I am saying against extremist islamists, if they were saying them against fascism in the early 1930's?

It seems that you already think that Sharia Law is on its way and must be fought. (Danny)

Absolutely righy Danny (see above for why)

Personally I think this agenda is being forced to create a conflict and we should not dramatize it and feed these fears (Danny)

I don't want to feed any fear but making people wake up out of their middle class lethargy and realise what is happening in the UK before it's too late. If that scares people then it should!!!!!  

Of course, it is full of barbarism and inequality.

Ataboy - you're getting the idea!

But it does not have to came to the UK or elsewhere.

It will if we don't fight it - that's the point of speaking out and defending what we have

And in the end it will not be Mr or ms lighter middleclass non-muslim average jo or joe who suffers. It will be the browner, muslim, mostly less well off who will  bear the brunt of the current climate. Especially all those who are women.

Exactly - so do they not need defending? - oh but are you trying to say that in our society these people are expendable? I hope not. After them who do you think will be next?

It takes effort to maintain things or fight for change.

Read the islamist and then see how they (extremist islamists) are "fighting for change" in radicalising youth and incase you have forgotten killing innocent people - we must fight this

I personally see the enemy elsewhere and they are not Muslim.

I agree with you partly, GW has alot to answer for - but he's not alone

The main problem for me is that most folk don't really give two hoots as long there is endless distraction in their lives. 

I'm not one of them - if I lived in an islamic state I'd already be dead - now that's something that qualifies and clears the mind, and makes you want to tell people how it really is and what they want to try and impose here - we need to resist. I lost a dear friend in an islamic state as a result of sharia law.

Hope this isn't too confusing with underline/bold but I hope you get my drift


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thanks for your reply Jess,

I am not quite sure why you are so convinced that those nasty terrorists are coming to change our way of life. Do you really believe like GWB and Tony that there is a clash of civilisations happening?

Ed Husain was a vulnerable 16 year old looking for some easy answers and got involved with a bunch of extremists. This is not that unusual or disturbing given recent world events. There are religious loonies everywhere and very dangerous political groups too but they are not taking over western countries. (Not the Muslim loonies anyway) They are monitored and infiltrated and controlled by the state security services and mostly kept in check.

The politics behind all this is very complicated. You say you read the Guardian - maybe you missed this article

I really think you are hyping up the threat incredibly - you write like an 50 million strong army are coming over the hill any day!

"I suppose it depends on whether you are a woman or in another minority that the islamists despise and would want stoned/beheading and the like"

"tell people how it really is and what they want to try and impose here "

"I don't want to feed any fear but making people wake up out of their middle class lethargy and realise what is happening in the UK before it's too late."

Listening to your words, the level of panic is clear to me.

I think you are falling into a dangerous trap and as I said, the more the paranoia mounts, the more at risk will be the people you so want to protect. This is the very worst kind of propaganda designed to induce fear and insecurity and hatred. It's no surprise that Mr Husain was and is lauded by that bastion of generosity at the Daily Mail - Melanie Philips. Very disturbing. He is referred to by Seamus Milne as the 'British neocon pinup boy'

You seem to read a lot of meaning into my words which are not there. I never suggested that anyone is expendable or that I would prefer any sort of religious based law. Again I will state that I have no time for any religion and its laws being applied to nations. Of course laws are always changing too. And being interpreted differently all the time. This is just the way of Humans. It is not black and white.






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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

I really think you are hyping up the threat incredibly - you write like an 50 million strong army are coming over the hill any day!


It suits some people to blow up the impression of this from being a very small number to the entire muslim world. Unhappily this is frequently those who have some racialist agenda, I am sorry to say, not that I think anyone contributing to this thread would be guilty of such a thing.

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