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Help - Another question re Dividends on Form 2047K


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Re: Another question re Form 2047K Dividends

Sorry to ask another question on this but I think my brain has seized up and am getting more confused the more I read through the form.

Have completed details re dividends in Section 2 but confused re Section 7 and which lines to fill in. Looked at last year's form and for some reason ( that I cannot remember) did not enter anything in that section. Also why do they ask which declarant in Section 7?
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For dividend income fill in the top section of part7.

If your stocks/shares are held jointly with another person(s) and they are a declarent on a French Impot Déclaration then the dividend income will need to be split between all the receipients of that income and the tax element reported as apportioned. The 'Impôt payé à l'étranger' element is totalled and entered in Line 8VL on Form 2042

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