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Just translated a copy of a letter my father received today from his local tax office.

As of 1st Jan 2018 everyone will be paying tax via the PAYE system in France assuming your tax resident there. For those that are not employed they will calculate your tax liability based on the previous year (2017) and take the tax directly from your bank account monthly. You will be asked to sign and date the back of the letter, attach a RIB and send it back.

The reference is "L10 du livre des procéedures fiscales" if anyone wants to look it up. I haven't as it's no real interest to me.
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Whether they do or not I always advise not to use a British term (PAYE in this case)  for something, however similar, in France.

It gives the impression that the two things are identical when they are sometimes rather different in the details.

This particular proposal has been on the cards for a while and discussed here before.

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