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Poxy Tennis - a gripe


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It fair grips my sh1t when the BBC (and others) casually chuck the schedules out of the window on the arrogant assumption that we all want to see the end of some crapp* sports event, in this case bloody tennis.

Damn good job I'm no longer paying them a licence fee.

Grrrrrrrrr [:@]

Angry of Prayssac

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[quote user="Clair"]You're not paying for a licence, so you're not entitled to complain! [:P]

[/quote]I put that in as a loss leader Clair [;-)]

It might not be so bad if it wasn't displacing the first part what promises to be an interesting 5 part series. Pity those who've set their recorders for it.

And besides which, it's only that 'Mary Queen of Shops' inane rubbish on BBC2, why couldn't they have binned that instead.

Oh, joy of joys, I see it's just finished, I suppose we'll get another 20 minutes of dissection now !



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I love tennis... which means I'm getting very little (house) painting done this week. [:P] I'll just have to get up earlier to get the hours in before coverage starts. [8-|] I can't believe how the Murray match just finished in the twilight. Or so it seemed here.

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Couldn't agree more Ernie.  It's not the schedules being mucked up that I mind it's the whole bizarre pampered circus effect of, what is after all, just a couple of people knocking balls across the net at a recreation ground.

For that they need an umpire (is it just one, or are there more) sitting on the highest stool in the world to keep score for them.  There are umpteen children scuttling about collecting balls because, apparently, they are too important to fetch their own.  A point of a finger brings a towel wallah scurrying to bring a towel to mop their sweaty brows with, then even quicker back to kneel ready to collect balls.  One of the players was busy bouncing a ball prior to serving when he accidentally bounced it against his foot causing it to go a couple of yards away, a scuttling child had to retrieve it because the poor love was too tired to fetch it himself.

What's all that about, examining every ball before serving just to find their favourite ball, then tossing the others aside for the ball wallahs to pick up.  There ought to be something in the rules about shrieking when hitting the ball.  The crowd should start shrieking back at them when they do that.  Perhaps it's a Russian thing, this shrieking.

Then they have comfort breaks, or whatever they call them.  Both players sit down frequently for a drink and a snack during the game, then have a wash and brush up before continuing.  Why not wheel out Porta Potti's for them as well while they are at it.


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[quote user="vervialle"]Not having ever watched French television, do I gather most English people in France watch English television.[/quote]

Dual nationality, mixed nationality household, dual mixed TV habits... [8-)]

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Football..... Tennis...... Big Brother...... Little Big Brother...... Britains got Talent!!! plus all other manner of wannabes trying to sing and then all the fly on the wall rubbish.... I can't decide whether the TV companies have lost the plot or I have lost the will to live[8-)]
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Yep - then we get it next week AS WELL !

Come on - we have just had two weeks of football coverage, a tournament we were not even in ( I'm talking about UK license payers here[;-)] )

[/quote]I hate football even more than poxy tennis so IMO that was another complete waste of airtime[:P]

Fully agree with you Nell [;-)]


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Is it just me who find all this fist thumping a bit OTT!

Just watched the Murray - Gasquet match and find the partisan crowd very distracting.  The lanky, toothy, ugly Scotsman does not get my support though, of course, the crowd cheered his every point and the display of inappropriate cheering and clapping when the poor old Frenchman double faulted is just too crass to comment upon.

And that's just for the crowd; the mother, girlfriend and hangers on are horrendous.  All that jumping up and down, shouting, distorting their faces into masks of fury, etc, etc, are so unattractive as to make me turn away.

At least in Henman's days, his parents and girlfriend (and later wife) knew how to behave.  Sure they applauded Henman but also his opponent.

Then there is the scheduling of all of Murray's matches - centre court for all his matches and Nadal delegated to court number one.  Not that you'd find Nadal complaininghe is a true sportsman with real talent.

I think of Borg, Sampras and now Federer, true champions and you'd never see them rolling up their sleeves to show their biceps to the crowd.

Sadly, the UK has got the the tennis "No 1" one that they deserve.

Vamos, Nadal, PLEASE put an end to my disgust.  Go beat that snotty brat; 3 sets 6 love, 6 love, 6 love.

Then  I can enjoy the rest of the tournament and the summer!

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Murray may not be universally loved ( I think I may prefer his brother actually) but it was a terrific match by any ones standard.

If the match had been in France do you really think that Gasquet would not have had the French crowd doing much the same ?

Any player in a match against the 'local boy' knows they wil be playing the crowd as well. Some of that crowd seemed to be Australians who, if I'm not mistaken, got there early to see Leyton Hewitt and started drinking at 10.30 am - there's stamina !!!!

I thought Andy Murrays temperament had improved somewhat and he actually thanked the crowd - as for his mother, girlfriend making faces - they are involved and passionate, I guess it comes with the territory.

If you feel that way about it, maybe it would be better not to watch......

Now 'grunting' is another matter altogether........[:)]

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Rh, it grieves me to disagree with you because you are one of my favourite mods!

Of Course I shall be watching the brash scot get the thrashing he has been courting from Nadal.  Then, also, I'll get to see the hubris removed from the faces of the mother and the girlfriend!

So, you can be "involved and passionate" but, in my day and, dare I say it, my "type" of person, we do not make a spectacle of ourselves.  We nurse our little triumphs and disappointments in reserved fashion and it would be completely infra dig to have so exposed our partiality.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

So, you can be "involved and passionate" but, in my day and, dare I say it, my "type" of person, we do not make a spectacle of ourselves.  We nurse our little triumphs and disappointments in reserved fashion and it would be completely infra dig to have so exposed our partiality.



I watched the Murray match and although I don't care for him particularly, I think he has to be congratulated at turning it around so sucessfully.  I watched Henman all those years and it seems to me that he lacked the ability to fire himself up when he was in a losing position. Perhaps it's Murray's fist movements at the crowd and his bellowing shouts of "come on!!!!!" which enabled him to get from 2 sets and a break down, with his opponent serving for the match, to the winner. [:D]

How would a French crowd have behaved, if that match had been played in Paris?  Not quietly clapping the British player's winners, I'll bet.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

As you say - Nadal next and he didn't have a long game today - so, my guess is that their faces will tell a different story on Wednesday (if there is play, rain is forecast )


Gay, even if Nadal had 1 hand tied behind his back and his legs shackled he would still beat all but Federer.

Dig up Fred, I say.


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Although I sympathise with the Wimbledon watchers a bit - Ernie is right, imo.  Goodness knows how much the series which was postponed cost the BBC to make and it was summarily shunted backwards in the schedule.  What's more it's on every night this week, so no doubt this will keep happening.  Surely it's not too much to ask that Wimbledon is stopped by 9 o'clock when it has been on all afternoon already?  Auntie Beeb does have three other channels it could have been transferred to.
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Hi ErnieY

Also really fed,  up & being a boring old git I miss 'Weakest Link' & & 'Eggheads'. 

And, unlike many we are forced to pay for this sport.  The BBC wastes lots of the enforced  tax we pay it,  & I also object to its left-wing bias.   And, licence fee now £158,  and doubtless increases planned.

No choice here- they can send around the baliffs to you or even put you in prison for not paying the licence fee,    but presumably not in France ?  Link below of interest.





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