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Internet Radio - Rewind45


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Looks quite interesting but I'm a bit confused about their warning :

"Stream Rippers Beware

Rewind45 has limited resources and manages them for the benefit of our genuine listeners. If you have come to this station with the intention of downloading our mp3's you are not welcome here. We are now taking counter measures to stop this activity"

If you're listening to it on line you're automatically downloading it and if you choose to record it at the same time well so what, it imposes no additional demand on the bandwidth.

If on the other hand they have exposed their MP3's to indiscriminate downloading then more fool them !


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Hi Ernie Y,

Here is the answer from the station

"To answer your question, it really depends on what software you use to record the stream, Most ripping software actually uses an additional listener slot to do the recording. Since we currently have 25 slots, you can see that this would quickly use all the slots if everyone did it.

Having said that, let me qualify my objections to this activity. If someone is actually listens to rewind45 and decides that they might like to record a show or record an hour or so to listen at another time, I have no objection to this, in fact quite the opposite.

There are however a large army of people that hunt for a station that plays their kind of music and set the stream ripping software running without actually listening. Some of this software is quite clever and just records the songs into separate mp3 files. So someone can connect, leave the software running for 24 hours and end up with a folder full of songs with no station idents etc.

This is what I object to because these people are using listener slots that others might want and I am paying royalties for them to do it.

So, I do a couple of things to discourage them, one is that I have software which messes with the song titles. Their software will try to create separate mp3' files for each song. So, if I change the title half way through a song, they have half a song. I also automatically ban the IP address of know stream rippers. I will also montitor activity on the stream, if someone has been connected over 8 hours, I will kick them. If they reconnect almost instantaneously then it's a good indication that that they might be using ripping software that automatically reconnects, then they get a ban for 30 mins or so. That usually discourages them.

That's probably more information than you wanted but if you need any more info, just ask."

It's all a bit technical isn't it? [:D]


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Not so technical really [geek]

I take his point although I'm not sure I share his concerns. Ultimately it's his bandwith to manage as he sees fit and I wish him the best of luck.

I'll give it an earwigging when I'm home, streaming radio is not really regarded as a legitimate activity in a corporate environment [:(]



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