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Complete France Forum

Bricking myself (new job)


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Just found out I'm to start working in Belgium, with our friendly European representative.

My Francais is pretty poor but then again our reps work standards leave a lot to be desired also.

So I'm hoping that I can help him improve the standards of his work in Belgium and I can learn far more French than I know now.

Anyone know of any good French courses that they've had experience of which may help me?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks tinabee, for some reason I didn't get an e-mail notification of your reply.

I've found a few other sites too and am sitting listening to Michel Thomas for an hour a night to try and improve things.

My problem is I'm quite a quiet person especially when I feel uncomfortable, I can sit happily for hours without saying a word if I can get away with it. Like tonight I've been down to our local fete which has a big party in the evening but I've come away because Judiths in France and as I'd gone down there on my own I didn't have any company to stay with. so although I could have a conversation with a few people it becomes awkward after a while. I just don't think I'm a good conversationalist. its like forums I normally hang around a different forum to this but I tend to very rarely actually start threads, I just lurk in the background reading everything then popping up and helping if someone asks a question I can answer.

Ah well sorry for the rambling, don't tell Mme Poivre I'm missing her, she may hold it against me in the future.
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My wife thought Michel Thomas was good stuff.  Me I am relying on GCE stuff (i.e. pre-GCSE !).

'Free flowing' conversation is in fact the hardest for me*, after a while one can feel that its a strain for everybody.

Mind you sometimes I sit quiet even in UK parties where the noise level means real conversation is killed.

I do find that I learn a lot by listening though. If you are in sales you must be reasonably gregarious ?


*caveat  - when sober.

However I have this story involving a bar, several french people and others of various nations..... oops varying off topic.


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Hi I am reasonably outspoken but I need to be in my comfort zone, like a lot of men I suppose.

I reckon I'll be fine, its just the thought of having to get out of that comfort zone and learn things anew. Im offskie to France in a couple of weeks I'll probably nip and see one of our local friends who teaches French (actually he's a French man who used to teach English in schools in the UK), I'll get a few lessons off him while I'm over there just to give myself a little confidence. Thanks for all of your replies there have been some useful tips and hints.
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