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Tax letter/demand - have I declared wrongly ?


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Oh dear;  recently received one of those 'tax' letters referring to Article L10.   Checking on here it would seem, at first glance, nothing to worry about - just sign form and return with RIB so that tax can be collected monthly from January 2018.

Then I look at the reverse of the letter - Renseignements demande which includes -

'Dans la declaration vos revenues de

l'annee 2017, vous avez declare des revenues pour lesquels il

n'existe pas d'organisms collecteur (revenues fonciers, revenus des

travailleurs independants, pensions alimentaires

Pour ce type de revenues, dans le cadre

de la mise en place du prelevement a la source a compter du 1er

janvier 2018, vous serez soumis au paiment d'un acompte calcule et

preleve par l'administration fiscale

Which would seem that we could be faced with a tax over-charge of some sort - is that right ?

This year there were two changes to our tax return;  the first was UK dividend payments which had previously been taxed at source;  now no longer subject to UK tax and taxable here in France.   I thought I had made that clear on the form - ...maybe not.

The other change was a new rental income;  minus interest, letting fees, costs of repairs to central heating and replacement of dishwasher meant we had small income, but it was declared, and the address - of the UK property, was given.    Did I miss out more information ?

Or am I just worrying needlessly ?

Help, guidance, advice as always would be very much appreciated.

Thank you - Chessie

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1) The new system of paying each month which  was to have been in place from 2018 has been postponed for a year as I posted in another thread  a few weeks back

2) It simply says that as you have declared income for which there is no body responsible for collecting the tax there will be a partial payment in advance to make (un acompte) in the context of the new system

3) It look a bit as if the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, given that as I pointed out above the new system has been postponed...
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There is already a requirement to pay taxes in advance.

If you estimated tax for the coming year (usually based on the current year) is over 347€ (for 2017) you are already obliged to pay the tax in three installments.


If you believe your future tax is likely to be a lot more than the current year I you have to pay a third of what you think it will be (under threat of a penalty).

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Well I will see later this year whether that is a hollow threat, my turnover tripled from the 2015 to the 2016 declaration but my paiements en acompte are based on the 2015 declaration, how am I supposed to know what my liability should be when they get it wrong in my favour most years [:P] 
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    For most of us expats , the system is not changing  much.   Most already pay three acomptes in the current year  based on our previous tax bill.  We pay by cheque or prelevement -some already pay monthly .  When (and if) this new system comes, in the future the acompte will be calculated in the same way , but will be automatically taken from our bank accounts monthly ,that's why they want a RIB.  Just like now , we will declare in the same way , and any overpayment , or shortfall will be adjusted in the final avis.

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Thank you everyone;  I just had one of my 'headless chicken' moments and panicked.   Mainly because of two changes to our income last year, and the change in the way the UK no longer taxes dividends.

Yes Norman - had read your post about this change to monthly payment being deferred; which made receipt of this letter even more puzzling.

We have in the past paid by 3 instalments;  don't mind the change - when it happens.   Just a thought;  if the tax bods are now asking for a RIB are they likely to use that for the 3 instalments tax payment method next year ?

Oh isn't it wonderful dealing with taxes....

Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest - advice and help gratefully received.


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