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Credit Crunch?


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Is the Credit Crunch just that? The crunch applying only to those who live on credit? When I see the football stands empty,the footballers/celebrities I think their called these days, on £500 a week instead of £150000 a WEEK then I might believe in a recession. It also appears that with Banks, the more money you can lose through stupid lending the bigger your bonus and if you hopefully get the elbow you seem to be on to a nice little earner. The politicians seem to get whatever they think fit and seem unable to find receipts or have the ability to justify why their family are qualified to do menial jobs at exorbitant salaries and we now even have the Queen pleading poverty. Sell some of the Crown Estates off Marm,it will bring in a few bob and might even solve the Travellers Site problem. Etc Etc.


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But, Gastines, the Crown Estates aren't hers to sell.  They belong to the nation and their upkeep is therefore all down to the tax payers.  Of course, she has exclusive use of them but that's not for her to say and not for you to question.

Wish you'd get your facts right before sounding off![:P]

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Sorry I got the detail wrong but your reply saying "Payed for by the UK taxpayer" sums it up. Why is it that most large Corporations/Company's, when in need of an economy drive always start at the bottom end of the pay scale and never look at weeding out at the top? Regarding all the land controlled by the Crown Estates, do THEY really need it all?


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Gastines, it was meant to be a jokey reply and, of course, you didn't get anything wrong.

Don't talk to me about her maj.  I am not a royalist so anything I say about them might well be treasonable and also upset a lot of people on the forum.

With that discreet remark, I now shut up.

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From the Crown Estates Web site : http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/about_us.htm

We have two main objectives: to benefit the taxpayer by paying the revenue from our assets directly to the Treasury; and to enhance the value of the estate and the income it generates.

and : 211 million in revenue surplus – all of the net revenue generated annually by The Crown Estate is paid to the government for the benefit of the taxpayer.

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[quote user="Gastines"]

Is the Credit Crunch just that? The crunch applying only to those who live on credit?


Lots of companies live on credit. And banks aren't lending to them so freely because they are busy trying to rebuild their balance sheets.

Chances are unemployment is going to go up throughout Europe, let's hope it affects a few footballers too (especially Chelsea ones)

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We were back in the UK last weekend and arranged to meet elder son + dil for dinner.  A Thurs night - thought it would be reasonably quiet.

1st restaurant - "Sorry - fully booked".

2nd restaurant - "Sorry, all tables taken ,but maybe in an hour ....."  Piddling with rain, so Hobson's Choice.  (By the way, it turned out to be less than an hour, food excellent, bloody expensive).

Credit crunch?    

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When I said is it only affecting those living on credit, I meant just that. Being ex Bournemouth and with family still living there,or trying to manage to live there, it seems fairly obvious that there are still a hell of a lot of people on big bucks. In Poole there is the Sunseeker base and looking at the size and quantity of gin-palaces/super cruisers being turned out, there is plenty of surplus cash about. Also you have the Sandbanks and surrounding area with many houses in the 3-6million price range.  One local entrepeneur heavily into clubs/bars and top end property development has just gone into administration owing £30million plus, so it looks like things might be changing. It must also depend on the area you live in,Bournemouth has one of the highest costs of living outside London but the lowest wages,mostly based on so-called service industry and trying to get by on a normal wage is virtually impossible. I think it may pay to keep a close eye on one's expenditure fo the next couple of years.


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Gastines ................Next time you are over........check out for value  the Tap and Railway pub in West Moors  ...They do a  "2 two for a tenner" menu  which includes a 10 oz rib- eye steak  with veg and  choice of  new....jacket..... or fries.... so they look after us poor people of  Dorset as best they can ...bless them ........ I have not found anywhere in France in the Vendee area that gives me such value ...They do Ringwood best and John Smiths to wash it down  with .....and when you have had your meal............... you can sit in a big armchair with another pint  and read the paper .....

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Unemployment  is a lagged economic indicator. So usually the figures  go up a few quarters after the economy stops expanding.

Maybe everyone is buying themselves a treat now because they are worried about the future.[:(]



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Frederick. .Regarding restaurant prices you are in the wrong area,here there are dozens of choices to suit all tastes and budgets.  For a couple of years we had Northbourne House Antiques opposite the Toby Carvery,put us off pub lunches!!!Friends had the Antique shop opposite West Moors Army Camp so I know the area quite well. There lies another credit crunch story,we sold up and got out at the right time as now it seems most furniture in the middle/lower price bracket, as in Victorian,Edwardian even Art Deco etc has died a death and not worth putting your money into. The same seems to apply to most decorative objects as in brass,copper and collectables.Many things we would have hung on to are now given to grandchildren to car-boot. I note on another site that allows members to advertise articles for sale, that the crunch seems to be biting quite a lot of people over here.  One note regarding budget,at the moment we are watering a neighbours garden as they are on holiday and I now realise how they manage to eat so well,rows and rows of virtually everything and they seems to know what to get and when free. On Friday giving us a bucket of cockles they dug on a beach about 2kms away. Reminded me of my misspent youth eating Poole cockles and drinking Strongbow by the Nelson.


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