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[quote user="Puzzled"]

Knife / Violent crime does grab the headlines more than motorists committing crimes - but far more people are killed by bad drivers every year than knife wielding youths.



The difference is the intention - except for very few incidents, the majority of deaths on the roads are by negligent driving, not deliberate - violent crime is a deliberate act, negligence is not - it is a falling below acceptable standards, but has no evil intent.

In any event there is no reason not to address both issues.   

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So lets take the easy route and give up on the harder options...................and explain that policy to the parents of the next kid murdered.

Lets think - it would be VERY easy to stop speeding by limiting all cars to a maximum speed of 30mph - that's even easier than cameras. 

OR - we could put a great big spike in the middle of the steering wheel and remove seat belts etc - thats an incentive to drive more carefully - or make the drivers seat explode on impact - I'd certainly drive very cautiously then!!! [:)]

Not every case of speeding results in death or injury in fact very few as a percentage - speeding per-se doesn't actually hurt anyone - but every single case of violent crime does.

Address both issues appropriately - they are equally painful for those who are victims.


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My point is that it is easier to make basically law-abiding people take a bit of extra care at the wheel. The kind of people who don't baulk at sticking a knife in someone are, I venture to suggest, largely immune from education. Police resources should, and almost certainly are, directed at catching people who carry and use knives.
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[quote user="plod"]............................................................................................................................. Police resources should, and almost certainly are, directed at catching people who carry and use knives.[/quote]

Within the boundaries of the grip that political correctness has over todays society.



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The facts as I see them are....

  • Speed limits are an arbitrary attempt to reduce carnage on the roads.
  • They are (probably) set after considering average conditions and average drivers. 
  • Because they need to consider the average conditions, there will be times when they are too low and times when they are too high.
  • Because they need to consider the average driver, there will be people who could drive faster safely and vice versa.

The problem is that a lot of people have driven at unsuitable speeds, some have caused accidents. They are.

  • The arrogant drivers who "think" that they are better than average but aren't.
  • The rich and arrogant drivers who don't care.
  • The insecure "nobody tells me what to do" drivers who think they have to contest every law.
  • The stupid drivers.
  • The below average drivers.


I tend to think that speed limits are the best compromise we have for our desire to keep roads safe. I don't always stick to them and am aware that if I decide that roads conditions and my ability, dictate that I can drive faster safely, I must also decide to pay the fine if applicable. I've tried, but I can't think of a better system that will:

  • Allow good drivers to drive at the speed that they deem suitable and no accidents will occur.
  • Ensure that bad drivers drive at a suitable speed so that no accidents will occur.

I suggest that everyone who critisises speed limits and the enforcement thereof, should come up with a better solution. Oh, before anyone trots out the old "Speed doesn't kill" chestnut. I agree, it's stopping quickly whilst out of control that can be the killer.... but usually that's only when the initial speed is high. Stopping quickly and out of control at 5mph and you will probably still have whole eggs in your box, do the same at 70mph and it's probably an omlette in the making. Looks rather as if speed is a major contributory factor doesn't it.
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There might be some "political correctness" - whatever that means in this context, in the upper echelons of the police but at street level I'm not sure that the average officer is thinking such things to any great extent. It's not easy having a code of practice to define the limits of stop and search without it either being draconian ie police can stop and search anybody without good reason, or insipid ie you almost have to have sufficient grounds to arrest before searching.
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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd revive this thread as OH has kept his nose clean ( was it  for 4 years?) and got the  3 points  removed from his driving licence -  he now has now a  sparkling, spotless, whiter than white, spiffling, wonderfully CLEAN licence.  It arrived the other day.

So I can now also be a little sniffy about speeding!

Also the initial 'good news' is perhaps not so good,  as he has perhaps changed his mind about retiring ...


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