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Ferrari gets F1 assistance yet again.


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What gets my goat is the total lack of consistency in the penalties & complete disregard for equal treatment between the teams. I'm not a McLaren or Hamilton fan but seeing how they have been treated over the last two seasons is enough to make anyone question the honestly of the FIA.  ITV showed footage of 2 recent incidents where Ferrari drivers committed worse infringements of the rules ..... & got away scott free.

Where on earth did the 25 second penalty come from?!!  I've been watching F1 for over 25 years & have seen races where 10 second penalties were handed out ... oh, silly me ... that would have meant Lewis would still have won & there was still a certain Italian team racing on the track at the time.

I really believe they are killing the sport & dread to see what they will do next.

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[quote user="ali-cat"]

Where on earth did the 25 second penalty come from?!!  I've been watching F1 for over 25 years & have seen races where 10 second penalties were handed out ...


In the case of unfair advantage, Article16.3 of the Sporting Regulations provides for either:
  - a drive through penalty
  - a ten second penalty
  (if either of these are imposed within the last five laps of the race or after the race has finished, the driver concerned has an additional 25 seconds added to his race lapsed time instead).
  - a ten place grid demotion for the next race.


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Totally agree with your summary SD, but haven't the FIA made themselves look completely inept by getting everybody to Paris for a day to hear an appeal and then ruling that there cannot be an appeal against a time penalty.  What exactly did they think Hamilton's team was appealing against?
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We need to consider the legal issues here.  McLaren had the right to stand up in the Appeal Court and present their arguments, so it'd be even stranger if the FIA were to have done anything other than allow them to do so.  Having put their case forward in the court, the court rejected it.  Plain and simple.

I also suspect that McLaren knew their appeal would fail but had to go through the motions.....


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The bit I can't reconcile is why Ferrari's counsel, Nigel Tozzi QC, was present and why he was questioning Hamilton???

What was it to do with Ferrari? Surely this was all about Hamilton's action in relation to the FIA rules. The fact that a Ferrari car was involved in the incident doesn't seem to have much relevance to me ( I say this with tongue firmly in cheek).[:@]

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

I also suspect that McLaren knew their appeal would fail but had to go through the motions.....



A bit like swimming in Morcombe Bay or the Canal du Midi, not so much swimming as going through the motions. The FIA smells about the same I think!

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