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Wheres the Justice.................................


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At a time when the UK is  letting countless thousands entry and stay  !!!

well have a read of this first----

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS to :- No. 10119 Rifleman Tullbahadur Pun, 6th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army. In Burma on June 23rd, 1944, a Battalion of the 6th Gurkha Rifles was ordered to attack the Railway Bridge at Mogaung. Immediately the attack developed the enemy opened concentrated and sustained cross fire at close range from a position known as the Red House and from a strong bunker position two hundred yards to the left of it. So intense was this cross fire that both the leading platoons of 'B' Company, one of which was Rifleman Tul Bahadur Pun's, were pinned to the ground and the whole of his Section was wiped out with the exception of himself, the Section commander and one other man. The Section commander immediately led the remaining two men in a charge on the Red House but was at once badly wounded. Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun and his remaining companion continued the charge, but the latter too was immediately wounded. Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun then seized the Bren Gun, and firing from the hip as he went, continued the charge on this heavily bunkered position alone, in the face of the most shattering concentration of automatic fire, directed straight at him. With the dawn coming up behind him, he presented a perfect target to the Japanese. He had to move for thirty yards over open ground, ankle deep in mud, through shell holes and over fallen trees. Despite these overwhelming odds, he reached the Red House and closed with the Japanese occupations. He killed three and put five more to flight and captured two light machine guns and much ammunition. He then gave accurate supporting fire from the bunker to the remainder of his platoon which enabled them to reach their objective. His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring to all ranks and beyond praise.

And now read this ---

shocking !!
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There is no justice anymore I'm afraid. These people who have come to our aid when called and spilled their blood for us so we can enjoy the liberty we now have (well supposedly have) are treated by utter contempt by the British Government. They received less wages and less pension for doing the same, if not more, than any British soldier. The Gurkha regiment has always been held in high esteem by the public and we are rightly proud of them yet they are treated so shabbily when they end their service.

This chap should be welcomed in to the UK with open arms and given all the housing, health care benefits etc he requires. It's a matter of record that he has done 'his bit' and and earned his right to live in the UK. The reason given for refusing entry just beggars belief. Good enough to die for us but not good enough to live with us.

It makes me very, very angry.


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Bloody hell, I've agreed with something in the Daily Mail.

The decision is a bloody disgrace - if he were in the Uk he'd be getting well looked after and with his service record, he'd be in the Star and Garter Home or Chelsea Hospital.

Absolutely disgraceful, perhaps it should be brought to the attention of the tv news programmes, they seem to have more clout that most nowdays! 

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Was discussing this over dinner with a group of people in a restaurant last evening when up pops a guy who said the government are right because after all, the Ghurkas are nothing else but mercinaries who only fight for the money.

No Ghurkas in the restaurant unfortunately or he may have got the answer he probably deserved!

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This is only tangentially related, so apologies. Our third child was born in the military hospital at Singapore and I shared the delivery room with two ghurka ladies. They were SO BRAVE. They were dressed in full sari outfits and never undressed. They uttered not a peep of pain, and gave birth with no trouble at all. I felt such a wimp, howling away. They are a very tough race. Pat.

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Potential here for a really good debate on a serious issue and all we are getting is 'back to the top'.....  I served in the army, and with the Ghurkas.  A great bunch of people and totally dedicated to the UK and teh British Army.  These little guys would do it for nothing if they had to, just for the honour of serving.  It is an absolute disgrace the waty the are exploited, and quite frankly, i don't think we deserve to have them or anyone else for that matter in our armed forces.  Look at the appalling manner in which we are treating troops injured and maimed in Iraq and other hotspots.  the army cannot wait to be rid of them, and straight to teh back of an NHS waiting list.  Theer is no justice in this instance, and the sooner the Ghurkas play their trump card and leave the services, the sooner the govt will realise just what they have let go, and abused all these years.

Sadly i think it is another nursing type issue.  They will never be treated fairly because the govt know they are too consciencious and caring to walk out on a sick patient....sadly the Ghurkas are to committed to do likewise........Hats off to you guys, you do a great job.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]420 views, I wonder how many signed the petition and how many just said "how sad" and moved on.....
(its back at the top though) [/quote]

Interesting fact - having read this I signed up whilst informing my OH that I thought he might like to do the same. My name duly appeared at the bottom of the list and in the less than 2 mins it took for my OH to organise accessing his email account and click on the link within it another 23 signatures had appeared on the list after mine and before my OH's.

It looks like support is snowballing. Great stuff.

Sue [:)]

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