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Translation please: to do with domestic help, tax and changes for 2017


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I have extracted a bit of text to do with employing domestic help and, to be absolutely sure, can someone explain the implications, please?

No need for word for word and only the first part will be fine:  The paragraph starting "Attention toutefois" and ending "les personnes non-imposables"

Allez-vous bénéficier d’un crédit d’impôts Salarié à domicile ou d’une réduction d’impôts ?

Depuis Janvier 2017, ce montant est un crédit d’impôts pour tous les particuliers employeurs.

Attention toutefois : ces montants ne permettent de bénéficier d’un crédit d’impôts qu’à compter des dépenses engagées en 2017 (donc des impôts déclarés en 2018) pour les personnes retraitées ou inactives. Jusqu’à cette date, cela reste pour ces personnes une réduction d’impôts, qui ne concerne donc pas les personnes non-imposables.

Quelle est la différence entre crédit et réduction d’impôts ?

Le crédit d’impôts Salarié à domicile est

une somme qui vous est due par les impôts. Autrement dit, si le montant

du crédit d’impôts est supérieur au montant de votre impôt sur le

revenu, le Trésor Public va vous rembourser la différence.

La réduction d’impôts

vient se déduire du montant de vos impôts. Si le montant de cette

réduction est supérieur au montant de votre impôt sur le revenu, vous ne

paierez aucun impôt mais rien ne vous sera remboursé.

Many thanks.

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I will try, the ne que's always throw me as they can be seperated by lots of text and on a different line.

Currently the benefit is in the form of a tax reduction which does not benefit non tax payers.

Starting from Jan 2017 the benefit will become a tax credit.

For the retired and inactives  the amounts paid in 2017 (and declared in 2018) will permit them to benefit from said tax credit, until that date the benefit for those people will remain as a tax reduction.


That was a struggle, I had to change so much especially the order of things for it to make sense, my translation bears very little resemblance  to the original text, there are a couple of bits including an "only" which I had to take out as they made no sense in my version and i think would have been incorrect but maybe Imisunderstood the original text.


It shows what a hard job a translator is and how much harder it is to translate more than just the meaning but to make a legible text in your mother tongue.


I bet someone alse can make the above much more concise, I'm not that good at English [:'(]

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More literally:

Depuis Janvier 2017, ce montant est un crédit d’impôts pour tous les particuliers employeurs.

As of Jan 2017, this sum is a tax credit for all private employers.

Attention toutefois : ces montants ne permettent de bénéficier d’un crédit d’impôts qu’à compter des dépenses engagées en 2017 (donc des impôts déclarés en 2018) pour les personnes retraitées ou inactives.

Please note: these sums can only give rise to a tax credit starting with expenses incurred in 2017 (ie declared for tax in 2018) for retired or inactive people.

Jusqu’à cette date, cela reste pour ces personnes une réduction d’impôts, qui ne concerne donc pas les personnes non-imposables.

Until this date, for these people it remains a tax reduction, and as such does not concern people who do not pay any tax.

Glad you appreciate how hard a translator's job can be, Chancer - it's always annoying when people think that because googletranslate is free, translators should work for next to nothing too.
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I would give your translation 10/10 and mine perhaps 2/10.


I am pleased that I understood it correctly and translated it correctly but your wording is so much better, clear and concise; my weakness is in English and its getting worse as I lose my vocabulary.

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