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Surveillance society


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Well that's just plain crazy to have a single database.  What you want is a distributed database like Google use so if one bit fails the rest just carrys on.

Or is that not what you meant?

Personally I think such a thing has existed for years, run by those nice people in that big 5-sided office block in Washington

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Another bit

"This became even more concerning when I learnt about government

plans to place my seven-year-old daughter on a national database. A

database which until now I had no idea would include her.

Super database plan

Contactpoint, due to be launched next year, will be a compulsory

database containing key data on all of England's eleven million

children and it will be accessible to 300,000 of the people who work

with our children."

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Dick...I suspect its the little place at Cheltenham that wants to become a bigger place with the kit installed  to check  out conversations by   Skype users  and .MSN  etc and read My Space  & Face Book messages....   together with us lot  on here in case we are using this  forum to plot a revolution......mind you there are a few here that just might want to start one off !

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The UK National Pupil Database has existed for some time. The purposes include maintaining easily-searched data on performance and efforts to ensure that all pupils do actually go to school... In general it makes monitoring more efficient and much, much cheaper.

I did some work on it about 2003-4. It is as well protected as you would hope, and apart from a few key individuals (the ones who have full access) there is no chance of taking any data off-site. After a lengthy application process which has to go through a committee of senior people it is possible to get some anonymised data, and people concerned with pupils can pull data down in the form of correlations and searches, but these are anonymised as well. Of course schools hold full data on their own pupils, but then they always did.

I am afraid that in the end you have to accept that we now live in a world of electronic communication and data storage, and buy a pair of big-boy pants. Either that or go and hide in the woods.

Remember, that the 'lost' data isn't lost -  an extra copy of a subset of the data is at large. In no cases are there any ill-effects noted from those extra copies of the data. It is quite possible to be unnecessarily hysterical over this issue.

Worry instead about the data that commercial organisations are building up about you, and the uses to which that will be put.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Does the European court accept this?

And of the 300,000, how many are pedophiles or know pedos and will pass them the kids' details?


The 300,000 are teachers, school administrators, Local Education employees and health professionals.

What nasty little insinuation are you making?

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As many nasty little people amongst that lot as anywhere else.

The 'take it or leave it' philosophy you seem to advocate is a simple cave in to a brutally controlling establishment that is increasingly distant from the general mean and an unwillingness to be counted. Society does not have to go that way, it is not inevitable.


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