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Flat tyre


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It was a real hell of a day for me .......... [6]

Called the car rental cpny, the woman said I could go and repair in ANY garage , because the repair or change of tyre was to be at my own expense.

So I went to " Feu Vert" , ( local Carrefour) .

Size not in stock , so I ordered it, and it was 119 euros. I paid a 50 euro deposit, but I wanted to have a clear mind so I went to my insurance company ( Maif).

They said I only had to pay the 75 euro franchise , that they would pay the rest, but as the car was a courtesy car, rented by Peugeot for me ( while my own car is being repaired there) , I should have taken it to Peugeot, cos they ve got agreements with them. But the lady this morning told me I could go anywhere , which I did.........

I went to  Peugeot , when I explained the situation the guy went ballistic, he said I had made a mistake so I would lose the 50 euro deposit ! [blink][:-))][:@]

I explained the lady from the rental said I could repair anywhere, he told me it was very unlikely ( which meant I was lying ) , he called her, she came over and said " Yes, I ve said to this lady she could go and repair in any garage".

He still refused to admit I was not responsible, and  also refused to admit they had not given me the correct rental contract ( which is specific for clients from la Maif ).

For instance , I should have been on illimited km, but he said,"  no, 100 km/day max ", .. The lady at the insurance told him on the phone, he went ballistic again, it was impossible to talk to him....

So I went back to the car rental, and the lady very correctly admitted she had made a mistake in telling me I could go anywhere...

She said " Je reconnais, c''est mon entière responsabilité" ..

So I'll go to feu vert tomorrow, since I ve already paid 50 euros, I will have to pay the rest ( up to 119 euros) then try to get it back from the insurance, ( they agreed )  but they will have pb in finding an agreement with the guy from Peugeot...

I think I may see my money back late in 2009 !!!!!! [8-)][6]

Sorry for this long post, but I wanted to explain and unburden my heart ( is that English ? )

By the way, sorry for my broken English, not easy for me to explain that, all the more as I'm still upset !!!


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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Sorry for this long post, but I wanted to explain and unburden my heart ( is that English ? )

By the way, sorry for my broken English, not easy for me to explain that, all the more as I'm still upset !!!



Frenchie, just want to post and show some solidarity with you in your plight.

I love the way you've said how you wanted to "unburden (sic) your heart".  Much nicer than what we would probably say which would be something like "Get it off my chest"!

Upset as you are, you've managed to sound poetic and "jolie"!

Good luck with the tyre problem, BTW.


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