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Avis d'Impot 2017


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I have just received my avis d'impot 2017. I have a couple of quick questions, if anyone can help please.

Credits d'impot

I have a minus figure in the right hand column. Does this mean I will be paid this amount in due course? It is for the installation of a logburner.

Social payments

I do not owe any income tax, but this year I am billed for social payments. Last year I received a refund for the amount I had paid in 2013,14 and 15, due to the fact that I have an S1. Is this no longer the case? I did mark this on my declaration. Thank you very much for reading.

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Bobdude wrote : Last year I received a refund for the amount I had paid in 2013,14 and 15, due to the fact that I have an S1. Is this no longer the case? I did mark this on my declaration.

If I have got it right .. having got into trouble with the EU powers-that-be for imposing such an illegal charge on S1 holders in the first place, so being forced to repay them, France wanted to find a way to continue to make the charges so last year they re-labelled those contributions and called them a tax.

Consequently now those of us with S1 will no longer be eligible for a rebate of CSG charges from the French tax people.


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