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Your one wish


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[quote user="ErnieY"]
I wish for a world where there is no need for locks or keys.

Take a moment to ponder the implications [:D]


A world without homes, workplaces, cars etc [:-))]

How about a world without greed?

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I'd wish for every politician to have his/her ego removed and replaced with a large dollop of common sense .... imagine the implications of politicians thinking about the best solution to give the greatest good for the greatest number of people, rather than thinking about thier pensions and honours!  Might solve a lot of problems and stop a few wars as well !
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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

Funny how it is that all but one of the wishes is for a world without something.

I think I'd wish for a world with a bit more compassion to fellow humans.  You know, the 'Do unto others' bit

[/quote]Aha, so right.  I would like to see those who claim to be religious actually following the philosophies they proclaim.  How many christians and others do you know who moan about their neighbours instead of loving them as their gods tells them to? 
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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]As so brilliantly illustrated the other day by two sets (sects?) of monks having a punch-up in one of the holiest places on earth.[/quote]Bang on Pierre.  I wasn't sure whether I found the footage incredibly funny or incredibly sad.  If they cannot agree, what hope have we?
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I'll happily endorse Nectarine's plea for the reintroduction of common sense.  For example, if the people involved in monitoring the poor child who's case was in the news yesterday had used common sense instead of following guidelines and ticking boxes, he might still be alive.


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