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Rental payments how crazy is this ?


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I thought France was bad enough when it came to regulations regarding long term tennanats but now the UK have come up with this one ....If you  now rent out to a person who is in receipt of housing benefit the new regulation it seems states that the rent  money now must be paid to the tennant who then passes it on to the landlord ...The old system, where the council could pay it direct to landlord ceases ..unless its an existing tennant who has had this arrangenent in place for some time ... The landlord can only again  get the payment paid direct to him if the tennant  has not paid it to him for two months  if he makes a request to the Council and they can  investigate  why  the rent was not passed on .......thus a  two month rent  arrears situation is created and built into the system as I see it !

Guess what ? ...lots of tennants given the wad of cash to pass on have headed for the pub or the bookies instead ! .. Now private  landlords have loads of tennants who are in arrears because of the introduction of this system  and are taking court actiion to evict....The tennants will then have to be put in Hotel bread and breakfast  accomodation direct payment  to the Hotel by  the council I suspect while  this previously housed tennant waits for social housing .............crazy !   Posted for the attention of anyone in  France renting out UK property

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    Its to do with  with the introduction of the new Local Housing Allowance a new way of calculating the benefit for housing  and payment may only be paid to the person who makes the application for the benefit ....unless..

They are "vunerable "  or  " incapable of managing their financial affairs " ........is........" unlikely to pay their rent ".;... or ..." has accrued 8 weeks rent arrears "     It appears to me that the council wishes people to take care of their own affairs become free from dependance on the council to take care of things like rent and tax payments   for them and to be more responsible for themselves ....Great if it works .........but since April when it was introduced in many cases it has not  ..........the "rent money " they claimed  has been spent elsewhere ....

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[quote user="Frederick"]

     It appears to me that the council wishes people to take care of their own affairs become free from dependance on the council to take care of things


I wish the council would keep out of my affairs.

I also would like the government who abolished hereditary peers to abolish the hereditary right to have a social house just because the parents did!

Rant over for this thread......maybe

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So my mate had a 'council renter' in her home, and when she refused to pay the rent, took her to court. It transpired it would take a year before she could be removed. So my friend got in touch with the council and infromed them this person was being investigated for drug dealing (true) and she had not paid the rent.

The outcome was the rent was paid directly to my friend and when a year latyer she was evicted the council told this person she had made herself intentionly homless and they would not help re-home her. Justice was served, eventually.

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