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UK father/daughter rape case


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At the moment the news is vague.

 BUT these 2 girls went to school, used the NHS for the birth of their 9 babies and NO ONE queried  so many pregnancies in 2 sisters in smallish towns,  in rural parts of Yorkshire & Lincolnshire. 

 This is worse as the Viennese rapist hid his evil deeds - the UK rapist did not.


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I watched this on the news both last night and this morning and one question was never answered ..... where was the mother in all of this?  Did she know, or just bury her head in teh sand and pretend it wasn't happening.

Despicable as the father's crime is, I cannot believe that a woman would stand by and watch this happen to her children.

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Yes R-H

The article does say that they moved a lot, but since the violent abuse/rapes started whilst they were at school, even primary school,   I cannot understand how it continued for year after year.  The two girls were violently bullied, and perhaps were afraid to speak up and get their father into trouble, but why did their teachers, and the social services not question why such young girls were having sex and getting pregnant so many times ?    Moving around a lot shouldn't have kept this abuse quiet - how many maternity units in Yorkshire/Lincs ?- if under age - why were the Police not brought in ?

Is this PC/ human rights taken to extremes?

Sad for these two girls, and the babies too - mainly terminated.



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In tyhe case of young girls - partivularly minors - perhaps it should be routine for hospitals to take DNA tests in the event of pregnancies/babies. If the parent of the child is routinely tested as well, it could be revealing.

Regrettably, it has been found the mother often knows what is going on but is only too happy to get her husband off her back despite the abuse of her daughters.

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[quote user="Callie"]Regrettably, it has been found the mother often knows what is going on but is only too happy to get her husband off her back despite the abuse of her daughters.[/quote]

I think it is probably much more complex than that. Perhaps some mothers really do not comprehend what is happening but in this instance, if the children can be so thoroughly... manipulated? brainwashed? over such a long period of time to suffer what happens to them I expect that the mother can be similarly abused into not... behaving as a mother should. I would guess men like that choose their partners carefully and specifically in the first place.

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   Without wishing to open a hornets nest here ....it has long been a problem dealing with insest within certain sections of the community where those concerned have been very mobile moving more often than every six months or so like this family...and in many cases social services have been very warey of approaching familys  ......In the case of these girls their  relatives knew what was going on .. had known for years ...

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[quote user="Callie"]In tyhe case of young girls - partivularly minors - perhaps it should be routine for hospitals to take DNA tests in the event of pregnancies/babies. If the parent of the child is routinely tested as well, it could be revealing.

Regrettably, it has been found the mother often knows what is going on but is only too happy to get her husband off her back despite the abuse of her daughters.[/quote]

Point 1 - that is illegal at the moment, and would open a huge hornets' nest of civil liberties objections were it to be legislated for. It would also mean that by asking the father for a DNA sample there would be the implication of suspicion, for which evidence would presumable be needed. An easy call with hindsight.

Point 2 - that may be true in some cases, but it may also be true that the mother is unintelligent or unaware and that the rapes have been committed when she has been out of the house. This is common as well.

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[quote user="Catalpa"][quote user="Callie"]Regrettably, it has been found the mother often knows what is going on but is only too happy to get her husband off her back despite the abuse of her daughters.[/quote]

I think it is probably much more complex than that. Perhaps some mothers really do not comprehend what is happening but in this instance, if the children can be so thoroughly... manipulated? brainwashed? over such a long period of time to suffer what happens to them I expect that the mother can be similarly abused into not... behaving as a mother should. I would guess men like that choose their partners carefully and specifically in the first place.


Very true. Vulnerable women may be groomed over months or years, as may the children. Secrecy is the first thing they are trained to maintain, through fear, guilt or other emotional manipulation.

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Birth from incestuous relations is not rare, but usually on a smaller scale.

A family I met when working consisted of a 6yr old boy, rather dim, mother in her 30s, father in his 60s. Yes , you've guessed, the man was also the woman's father. Her mother was dead. All were very slow (I think the current phrase is intellectually challenged) but they cared for eachother. The old man was dying of cancer, so all very sad. [:(]

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