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[quote user="ali-cat"]

I think you are being a little hard on Quillan.  At least he didn't introduce a code of practice to ensure that government statistics were accurate, impartially presented and free from political manipulation.


Karma has a way of coming round again to bite you on the bum! Perhaps he should change his name to Britney Brown - "Oops I did it again"[:D]

Mr Cat


When I see you post something positive I'll read it - ok?

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[quote user="ali-cat"]

I think you are being a little hard on Quillan.[/quote]

Sorry you think that but, I fail to see why Quillan should provide information which is totally wrong without being challenged.

If I stated that Barclays Bank were offering an exchange of 1.56 Euros to the GBP as at 14:00 hrs today, or that Speedferries were operating again as from this evening with £10.00 return fares, there would soon be a few people requesting the source of this information.

All I'm trying to ascertain is the web link from where Quillan obtained his information from. If people post references on this or any forum, they should at least double check the facts and provide links. The fact that Quillan is listed as a 'Moderator' in my mind makes it more important for the credibility of the forum, that the information provided is accurate.

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 Just read the other posts and sorry this is not meant to be a have a go at Quillan night, but my friend if you are going to make statements at least get the facts a little bit accurate.

"The Germans" or the German Government to be precise have said nothing at all about what is being done by the UK government to stimulate growth in the UK.  The Germans as part of the EU have today agreed a package put forward by the UK to stimulate growth in the EU.

What did happen was the outspoken right wing Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck who makes a career out of annoying EU countries and has antagonised most of his EU partners with his confrontational statements and actions in recent months trotted out almost word for word what David Cameron had said the day before.

The German Finance Minister's solution has a familiar ring to it also as he called for politicians to "do nothing and let the recession take it course".

RH As you take 3 newspapaers its surprising that you missed this action already taken in September 2008

Homebuyers will not have to pay stamp duty on properties costing £175,000 or less for the next 12 months".  The current £125,000 threshold will be raised.....

Before you say its too little again,  it would affect the sale of thousands of houses away from London and the South east, the problem was the banks would not advance the money to lenders to buy the houses, but of course the UK government have done naff all to try and assist that situation have they?


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"I have no axe to grind for Gordon Brown, and don't particularly like the man or his style of governance, though he was a very successful chancellor for a long period"  Will,

Crikey Will,

GB successful ? 

In the good times he spent loads & saved little;  tax revenues spent & wasted; nothing done to control consumer credit  etc ...

GB is really the architect of the mess we're in. We're perhaps heading towards the 'winter or spring of discontent', and I'm still inside the tent and funding him & his cronies so I feel I am allowed to have a rant!!!!



Mistletoe 2



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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

Edit Just rtead the othger posts and sorry this is not meant to be a have a go at Quillan night but my friend if you are going to make statements at least get the facts a little bit accurate.

"The Germans" or the German Government to be precise have said nothing at all about what is being done by the UK government to stimulate growth in the UK.  The Germans as part of the EU have today agreed a package put forward by the UK to stimulate growth in the EU.

What did happen was the outspoken right wing Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck who makes a career out of annoying EU countries and has antagonised most of his EU partners with his confrontational statements and actions in recent months trotted out almost word for word what David Cameron had said the day before.

The German Finance Minister's solution has a familiar ring to it also as he called for politicians to "do nothing and let the recession take it course".

RH As you take 3 newspapaers its surprising that you missed this action already taken in September 2008

Homebuyers will not have to pay stamp duty on properties costing £175,000 or less for the next 12 months".  The current £125,000 threshold will be raised.....

Before you say its too little again,  it would affect the sale of thousands of houses away from London and the South east, the problem was the banks would not advance the money to lenders to buy the houses, but of course the UK government have done naff all to try and assist that situation have they?



Read what I wrote Ron, I don't have 3 newspapers a day, my grandparents did.( I hardly have time to scan one, leave alone three) Despite the fact they were working class they, like millions of others were interested in current affairs, my mother has always kept up with what is going on etc. She has lived through the governments of Stanley Baldwin, Ramsay Mc'Donald, Chamberlain, Churchill, Attlee, Eden, Mac Millan, Home, Wilson, Heath, Callaghan, Thatcher,Major, Blair and now Brown.

As for the stamp duty - yes, I knew about the increase, but it will make little difference here - the houses on this list are first time buys within half a mile of where I live :

• 49, *************- Sold for £217,500 on 22-10-2008
• 16, *************- Sold for £220,000 on 30-09-2008
• 72, *************- Sold for £190,000 on 19-09-2008
• 23, *************- Sold for £212,000 on 13-09-2008
• 22, *************- Sold for £222,000 on 01-09-2008

You add up the stamp duty, plus deposit and see how much £175,000 threshold helps the housing market? Or is it somehow different if you are an out of work plumber, electrician, chippy or bricky in the south of England ?



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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="ali-cat"]

I think you are being a little hard on Quillan.[/quote]

Sorry you think that but, I fail to see why Quillan should provide information which is totally wrong without being challenged.

If I stated that Barclays Bank were offering an exchange of 1.56 Euros to the GBP as at 14:00 hrs today, or that Speedferries were operating again as from this evening with £10.00 return fares, there would soon be a few people requesting the source of this information.

All I'm trying to ascertain is the web link from where Quillan obtained his information from. If people post references on this or any forum, they should at least double check the facts and provide links. The fact that Quillan is listed as a 'Moderator' in my mind makes it more important for the credibility of the forum, that the information provided is accurate.


I think that Mr Cat believes that truth is subjective or negotiable...

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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="Ron Avery"]

Edit Just rtead the othger posts and sorry this is not meant to be a have a go at Quillan night but my friend if you are going to make statements at least get the facts a little bit accurate.

"The Germans" or the German Government to be precise have said nothing at all about what is being done by the UK government to stimulate growth in the UK.  The Germans as part of the EU have today agreed a package put forward by the UK to stimulate growth in the EU.

What did happen was the outspoken right wing Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck who makes a career out of annoying EU countries and has antagonised most of his EU partners with his confrontational statements and actions in recent months trotted out almost word for word what David Cameron had said the day before.

The German Finance Minister's solution has a familiar ring to it also as he called for politicians to "do nothing and let the recession take it course".

RH As you take 3 newspapaers its surprising that you missed this action already taken in September 2008

Homebuyers will not have to pay stamp duty on properties costing £175,000 or less for the next 12 months".  The current £125,000 threshold will be raised.....

Before you say its too little again,  it would affect the sale of thousands of houses away from London and the South east, the problem was the banks would not advance the money to lenders to buy the houses, but of course the UK government have done naff all to try and assist that situation have they?



Read what I wrote Ron, I don't have 3 newspapers a day, my grandparents did.( I hardly have time to scan one, leave alone three) Despite the fact they were working class they, like millions of others were interested in current affairs, my mother has always kept up with what is going on etc. She has lived through the governments of Stanley Baldwin, Ramsay Mc'Donald, Chamberlain, Churchill, Attlee, Eden, Mac Millan, Home, Wilson, Heath, Callaghan, Thatcher,Major, Blair and now Brown.

As for the stamp duty - yes, I knew about the increase, but it will make little difference here - the houses on this list are first time buys within half a mile of where I live :

• 49, *************- Sold for £217,500 on 22-10-2008
• 16, *************- Sold for £220,000 on 30-09-2008
• 72, *************- Sold for £190,000 on 19-09-2008
• 23, *************- Sold for £212,000 on 13-09-2008
• 22, *************- Sold for £222,000 on 01-09-2008

You add up the stamp duty, plus deposit and see how much £175,000 threshold helps the housing market? Or is it somehow different if you are an out of work plumber, electrician, chippy or bricky in the south of England ?




Be fair RH, the words "houses" and "first time buyers" haven't gone in the same sentence in the South East for many years. I don't know anyone who started off buying a house rather than a flat and I grew up in this area at about the same period you did.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="ali-cat"]

I think you are being a little hard on Quillan.[/quote]

Sorry you think that but, I fail to see why Quillan should provide information which is totally wrong without being challenged.

If I stated that Barclays Bank were offering an exchange of 1.56 Euros to the GBP as at 14:00 hrs today, or that Speedferries were operating again as from this evening with £10.00 return fares, there would soon be a few people requesting the source of this information.

All I'm trying to ascertain is the web link from where Quillan obtained his information from. If people post references on this or any forum, they should at least double check the facts and provide links. The fact that Quillan is listed as a 'Moderator' in my mind makes it more important for the credibility of the forum, that the information provided is accurate.


I think that Mr Cat believes that truth is subjective or negotiable...

Not at all - I'm agreeing with you. But I'm more concerned with the statements and information issued by the government than by a little banter about grey squirrels on an internet forum e.g:

No more boom and bust;

Britain is better placed to weather this recesssion;

and now fiddling knife crime figures from the government that pledged to restore public trust in national statistics.

Mr Cat

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[quote user="ali-cat"][quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="ali-cat"]

I think you are being a little hard on Quillan.[/quote]

Sorry you think that but, I fail to see why Quillan should provide information which is totally wrong without being challenged.

If I stated that Barclays Bank were offering an exchange of 1.56 Euros to the GBP as at 14:00 hrs today, or that Speedferries were operating again as from this evening with £10.00 return fares, there would soon be a few people requesting the source of this information.

All I'm trying to ascertain is the web link from where Quillan obtained his information from. If people post references on this or any forum, they should at least double check the facts and provide links. The fact that Quillan is listed as a 'Moderator' in my mind makes it more important for the credibility of the forum, that the information provided is accurate.


I think that Mr Cat believes that truth is subjective or negotiable...


Not at all - I'm agreeing with you. But I'm more concerned with the statements and information issued by the government than by a little banter about grey squirrels on an internet forum e.g:

No more boom and bust;

Britain is better placed to weather this recesssion;

and now fiddling knife crime figures from the government that pledged to restore public trust in national statistics.

Mr Cat


Well, you just don't seem to have understood the point. And like I said, when I see a positive post...

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the houses on this list are first time buys within half a mile of where I live :

• 49, *************- Sold for £217,500 on 22-10-2008
• 16, *************- Sold for £220,000 on 30-09-2008
• 72, *************- Sold for £190,000 on 19-09-2008
• 23, *************- Sold for £212,000 on 13-09-2008
• 22, *************- Sold for £222,000 on 01-09-2008

You don't have to time to read posts in full either do you your majesty, I specifically said that the stamp duty value rise would have little effect on London and the South east, you live where exactly?
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Mr Cat wrote "and now fiddling knife crime figures from the government that pledged to restore public trust in national statistics"

" fiddling knife crime figures"

A poor choice of words Mr Cat and a phrase that has not been not used by anyone about this story so far except you.  Even the chief of the statistics board refused to say that the figures were wrong, just that they were "unchecked", not that they were "fiddled"  Funny that instead of a bit of praise for the work of the Police, Home Office and all those involved in the battle against knife crime, the hacks who never publish anything unchecked[:-))]  find a story about "unchecked" figures to amuse their readers and sell a few more papers..

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It was a spectacular shoot-the-foot from the Home Office, but we should also point out that, whilst no-one has actually accused the government of 'fiddling' the body which objected to the figures was set up by the same government to, uh, check government statistics.

What a set of crooked so and sos! There must be a conspiracy going on there somewhere...

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Well I've just had a long bath 'cause I'm aching all over after shifting some logs a few days ago.  But at least it gave me an opportunity to have a good long think.

Sorry to disappoint you Dick but I still can't thing of anything positive to say about Brown - well apart from he isn't Blair.

PS If you think the US economy is in a similar state to the UK, despite shouldering the bulk of the costs of Iraq/Afghanstan and sub-prime, check out the UK Economy Xmas quiz thread.

Mr Cat



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...... Oh Yes! and he's a Scot.

There you go - two positives. Gordon Brown is Scottish and he's not Tony Blair. [:D][:D][:D]

As for the stats fiddling probably is the wrong word.  I prefer the terms used by the National Statistician - "premature, irregular and selective and ... corrosive of public trust".  They were released prior to being checked which by definition means they had not yet been proven to be correct.


Mr Cat



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