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A reminder of what the Tories stand for


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You should have read what he wrote.

He mentions this as a Tory PRIORITY, ie when the world is going to hell in a handbasket the major policy discussions are about preserving the rights of the inbred to pursue the inedible. A subtle point, easily missed.

He also points out that on this forum no cliché is left unturned when insulting Labour politicians, and there is uncritical luvving up of anyone to the right of Ghengis Khan. Which you have just pretty much illustrated...

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Duck speak, Dick. I did read what he wrote Dick. Frankly, Dick, if the Tories get into power I suspect there will be many priorities for them to deal with rather than the blown up nonsense of hunting. However, Dick, at the 'peak time' for hunts to take to the fields, it is something that can quite legitimately be raised.

As for insulting Labour politicians, lets face it Dick, and even you as a Labour supporter and even perhaps activist must go some way to agree, they have not exactly come out smelling of roses in the last x years.

So please Dick do not assume that you have a monopoly on wisdom and the reading skill. And stop insulting the views of the posters on this forum, Dick.


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Hmm, except that I believe if they 'accidently' come across a fox they are allowed to chase it, or putting it another way, the powers that be 'understand' that it may be too difficult  to prevent a pack of hounds giving chase....[8-)]

Sorry BJSLIV, it was too late at night for the towing reference.[:)][:)]

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By posting such worthless inflammatory drivel you simply place yourself in the same category as those you endlessly accuse and castigate from the opposite corner.

Search as I might Dick I can find no reference to this being a 'priority', surely not indulging in a bit of hyperbole are we [;-)]

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A Reminder of what the Labour Party Stands For.


"Its like burning the furniture to keep the house warm"

Quote of the day for anyone who still believes that Gorgon the Moron has been good for the UK.

As regards the Conservatives, well, they couldn't really do any worse, could they!!

edit: Good Morning Dick.................[:)]

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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]'Should'nt that be will get my vote, 'Will'? 

Yes, it probably will, but the conditional was intended...

In all seriousness, the difference between the two main parties is so slight that it probably would come down to trivial matters like that if I had to make a choice between them. By that I don't mean that they have identical policies, rather that so many of those proposed by Labour could equally well have come out of a past Conservative manifesto and vice versa. It was so much better when there was a distinction between socialism and conservatism - but then it's not so much different in France when you look closely at what the individual parties actually stand for (with the obvious exception of those on the extreme right and left).

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