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I started looking for the tax office in UK that dealt with Tax Exempt works of art after reading a mention of it in The Daily Telegraph about 15 years ago.

After many phone calls I pinned it down to the HM Customs and Excise in Nottingham. Whenever I phoned I was phobbed off. Being a dog that will not leave a bone alone I kept phoning.

 I was told the man dealing with this was not in.

The woman dealing with this is on maternity leave.

There is no such department here.

The department is closed.

I kept ringing.

Eventually after a year or so I got through to a younger sounding person who was helpful and said that for £10 I could have a list of all the items on the TAX Exempt Works of art scheme.

It was on two PC disks and we had fun reading it - I even thought about publishing it - even my accountant hadn't heard of it and was shocked.

At about this time Mark Thomas the comedian did some stuff on late night TV he had also discovered this amazing tax dodge that even today few know of.

No more than a few hundred people have probably asked to see anything on this list. This should change.

The most infamous example on this list was Nicholas Soames the Tory Minister that allowed public access to a canteen of cutlery instead of paying tax.

The other day I checked and they have a lovely website not only does it list the works of art you have a right to see but information on where you have a right to roam.

This is very useful as for many years people avoided tax by giving the public the right to roam but it was not made public.

Now they give clear precise maps. It is a nicely presented site - must have cost the taxpayers loads,

Check your local UK area out.

For instance Stamford Hall near Rugby that hosts many classic car and bike meets and charges big money to get into the grounds is entirely covered by the right to roam for FREE.

So get searching and see where you can walk.... FREE.

Back to the Tax Exempt works of art, you have a right to see these within a six month period of applying. They can move them to a third party site so if you want to muddy an Earls carpet chose a large item to see such as a statue. You can visit houses not open to the public FREE!

No longer pay to go to stately homes just chose some works you have a right to see for free!

Please make use of this site and encourage family and friends to get the most from this freebie from the HM Inspector of Taxes. Especially now UK is in deep recesssion...


Read carefully and see how the rich avoid tax....


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