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Renounce Fecundity


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Don't get me started!

Somehow pregnancy should be something deliberately chosen, rather than something to try and remember to prevent.

Surely in this day and age, it should be possible to organise - everyone is sterile until they decide they wish to procreate.

Add the injection to the BCG or whatever innoculation is given around the time of puberty.

Bit like changing energy provider - people will give proper thought and do their homework before they change the status quo.

oh, dear.

you did get me started.

my pet theory.
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Good to see others share the same view.

 I have never bred and I am sure there are many that will concur with that!

Years ago I contacted the man that started the site and he allowed use of the logo etc in UK and sent some bumper stickers.

If you want to see some intellectual debate see the sites forum - I cannot understand some of it.

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[quote user="bubbles"]Don't get me started! Somehow pregnancy should be something deliberately chosen, rather than something to try and remember to prevent. Surely in this day and age, it should be possible to organise - everyone is sterile until they decide they wish to procreate. Add the injection to the BCG or whatever innoculation is given around the time of puberty. Bit like changing energy provider - people will give proper thought and do their homework before they change the status quo. oh, dear. you did get me started. my pet theory.[/quote]

Yes Bubbles I would love to get you started. I agree that breeding is not a right.

Even more annoying is when the government encourage people to breed. But just as with immigrants the government are short sighted and only interested in tax revenue and power that comes from having more people.

The world is dying under the demands of humans....

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very interesting dog - haven't read it all yet- but we do. A lot of food for thought. I am the mother of 2 adult daughters, with a grandson nearly 3 and another grandchild on the way. So far I've held the belief that 'fairly intelligent, well educated people, socially aware and contributors in many ways + trying to leave as little environmental impact behind them' should have a couple - to find solutions for the future. Sorry if this seems arrogant. I will read the counter argument again when I have time.

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I think that "nobody" is a bit sweeping, Bubbles, even though I am 100% anti-procreation.  The planet doesn't need more of us, it needs far fewer.  The only people who benefit from over population are those already on the planet.  The future will be bleak indeed for everybody's young if they are arguing over the last bit of earth to scrape a living from.

However, I can see that it is hard to persuade imerging nations that this is the case.  Also those of faiths like Catholocism (like most of my Mother's family) some of whom still  believe they face an eternity in hell if they use birth control.  Pretty grim old choice for them, isn't it?

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Well, I must have been very selfish then, because the best experience in my life was being pregnant and giving birth .

Difficult to explain, but that was part of  becoming my true self.

I understand your point, but I think it concerns developing nations more, where birth control does not exist at all.

And would it be fair to deprive a woman who wants to feel life growing in her  from that experience, to bring frustration and sadness in her life?

Sorry, but I wish I could have had more babies, cos I can bring them up.

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There were a couple of interesting articles about this topic in the Sunday Times this weekend:



When I read about the birth family of the octuplets in the US, I do think some have gone too far in facilitating the "right to procreate".



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