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What are you doing because you can't get to Work?

Mme poivre

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Hi woke up to a lovely white landscape and a text from boss saying no school today .

My boys are over the moon as dad/grandad brought them a sledge on Tuesday so we are off shortly to see how many hills we can conquer.

What will/would you be doing if you are snowed in?

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Looking at the snow and kicking myself for a missed opportunity.....In December I bought a new Russian fur hat from a St Petersburge dealer for a fiver on Ebay ...I wish I had bought a hundred now ...I think I would have made enough to cover this years ferry crossing payments ...enough people want to borrow mine !
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wow  Keni what  a fantastic idea would love to join you, in fact might gather the ladies in the nieghbourhood and join you anyway.

Fredrick  - hindsight - a wonderful thng

Dog - I am sooooooo jealous i think i am suffering a little fromt he winter blues and sitting in the sun would be fab!

However, coffe first, dishwasher next then perhaps a party[:D]

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Hi Frenchie

Would you like my reports and the marking I still have to do as well[:D]  Then I can go play in the snow with the kids.[:P]

I am just going to check on the older people who live in our street to make sure they have enough food wood etc as Richard is out he can get provisions for everyone if they need it.



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Well as I haven't been able to get to work for a few days I thought I would take some photos

This one is first thing Thursday morning just as the sun was rising. It was really amazing to actually watch the sun rising like that.



The next one is the view from the back of our house.Thursday afternoon.


This one shows the playing field next to our house where thousands of pounds were raised two years ago to put in lots of new equipment including this 'Farnborough Castle'


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bonjour Frenchie

Yes the kids are really enjoying the weather and it is very sunny here today all the snow has started to melt, unfortunately the dog has broken his leg and is not allowed to play in the snow he has it all pinned up and only had the operation on thursday.

This was just afterhe first broke his leg on wednesday whilst running on  the beach with Richard.


As you can see his best freind 'Tiger' the blck cat, who is 8 months old the same as Loius, is just checking to see if he is ok.

Bless him he is not having much luck we have only had him 4 weeks and he has been to the vets 5 times so far, ear infection,kennel cough and now his broken leg, lets hope thats all for  a while,  he is such a lovely dog its such a shame poor thing.



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Awwww  Poor babe...

He is in the best place with you, though..

Don't dogs get injections againt kennel cough in the UK ?

he lloks so sweet.. True he looks like Wallace, Ian saw the pics and said " oh yessss!!! " [:)]

He says hello by the way, .. Ian, not wallace   lol



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Poor doggy - hope he gets better soon. Frenchie so glad you have special company this week-end. Hope all goes well next week. Have a great week-end all. Lots of snow here in Midlands - and sunny today- so I can feel a big walk coming on.

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hello Odile

Thank you I am sure Louis appreciates all the best wishes he recieves.  I did want to say hello on the French talk thread but its taken me days to try to work out what to say.[:P] Mainly because although I can say and undertand a little french it is very different when you go to write it down, hence my use of babelfish.  You cant be that far from me as I officially live in Warwickshire which is in the midlands[:)]  Would love to have taken Louis for a long walk as he has sooooo much energy but poor love he isn't allowed more than a short hobble.

Hi Ian and Frenchie  yes he has been injected so it was not as bad as it could have been thank goodness but he needed antibiotics and some TLC. I hope you have a wonderful week end and feel better soon Frenchie you have been suffering for quite a while now.  I do know that my two enforced days off have given me time to recharge my batteries and I am now eager to get on and full of energy, luckily only 5 more days of school then half term.  Are you doing anything nice at half term?  Well because of the rather large vets bill this month we will be staying at home.[:D]


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Judith, As you probably know, my son is getting into hospital on monday, for 2 or three weeks...

So, yes, worried , but I try to think of something else and being  on the forum helps in that respect.

Ian is very supportive of me, which is good.

We are planning to go somewhere for a few days at half term, but don't know where yet.

Gros bisous.

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Hi teapot !

Thanks a lot for your kind words.

As if one boy in hospital ( mine ) was not enough, Ian's boy (16 ) broke his wrist yesterday PM ( motorbike accident ) , had to have an op,  head touched the ground too, waiting for more news.

You are all lovely people . XXXXXX




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Oh, Frenchie, I am so sorry about this new worry you have.  Then, of course, it adds to your already existing worries about G!

It never rains but it pours, as the saying goes.

I have just been able to come back on the forum.  Didn't log on till latish last night and the forum was experiencing "technical difficulties"!

I thought, oh well, we're all experiencing "technical difficulties" so that's OK then!

Anway, all the Very Best to you all ..............fingers crossed, etc.


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