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Carol Thatcher and the G word.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]Perhaps Coops and ~ would like to say what they would have done if they had been in the  green room with Carol Thatcher ?[/quote]

I really don't know what I would have done. What would you have done (really)?  I suppose you have to have some kind of admiration for someone that does admit that they are racist. Have you got that video yet?

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[quote user="powerdesal"]Cynthia,

It matter not a jot to me what your race, skin colour, religious persuasion or dietary wishes are but I find your 'anti-white' comment to be seriously racist, totally unacceptable and way out of line. I would ask for an apology but I suspect I would be wasting my time.

Would you care to elucidate?

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I really don't know what I would have done. What would you have done (really)?  I suppose you have to have some kind of admiration for someone that does admit that they are racist. Have you got that video yet?

 I have already posted about what I would have done, just who is admitting they are racist ?  Not me, so please don't make that mistake.

Apart from this one comment has Carol Thatcher ever been accused of racism ? Has anyone stood up and said 'oh yes, she is a dreadful racist' ?  I have seen commentators who know her speak in her defense and say quite clearly she isn't racist

Or could it be that she represents a certain type that you don't like, privileged and spoiled ?  If her linguistic offense was so very dreadful why is it that according to  Jay Hunt, BBC 1 controller, she is still “welcome” to work for the Corporation (but not the One show) ?

She said a stupid, thoughtless thing - you make her a martyr if you like, but for the moment I'll be giving her the benefit of the doubt ............for now.



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This is getting so tedious and boring! Why do you keep raking over old ground? Why are you determined to keep this up? This thread would have been pulled long before it got this stage. Are you as stupid and ignorant a woman as she, or are you just pretending?
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

And I'd have said the same, so how come I'm being branded the racist ?

[/quote]R/H, I think if you look back through this thread you will see that at no time did anybody suggest that you were a racist.  I might have obliquely suggested that you are prepared to tolerate racism in others - many wouldn't see that as a personality flaw - or that's the way I read the majority reaction on this thread.

Just the other day, a good friend of mine used an expression which involved one of these racist epithets in a woodpile.  I told him to his face that I found the word unacceptable and that I did not want to hear it, thanks.  His response was that it was "just an expression." If I had used the C word in somebody's presence and they had been upset to hear me use it, would it be OK if I said, "it's just a word, who cares?"  I doubt it.

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The sad thing is that in the innocence of childhood, Little black sambo was one of my favourite stories. I think at one stage I even had a golliwog. This was way before sitcoms like Love thy Neighbour were on TV. I can always remember my mother saying one of the nicest words in the english language was 'gay'. But time passes as connotations change the meaning of words and what they represent. I don't think anything I have read on these posts suggests anyone is actually racist at all. I think all that is happening is that some people see things black and white, and the rest operate in the grey area in between. If you play 'devil's advocate' to explore a different angle on a subject the danger is that you illicit a strong reaction from the guys that see things as clear cut. But that is the great thing about debate, and certainly shouldn't prompt a closure of a thread assuming the mud slinging stops short of abuse. And remember, abuse is bullying, and that is what racism is, bullying between people of a different colour/nationality or religion.
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When I was a child I met and made friends with a black boy, he told me his name was Sambo so that is what I called him, my mother was really angry at me when I introduced him by his name. Happily at that time children like me, and Sambo were innocent and didnt understand what all the fuss was about.

I still dont understand what all the fuss is about, did the black tennis player actually look like a gollywog?

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 Baypond, Thank goodness someone gets it !

Don't any of you wonder why the case of Sooty, who has been called that for 30 years, is suddenly newsworthy now ? Or a 3year old story about a nickname for Prince Harry's friend, surfaces.

How about the BB C's own employment practices and double standards in sacking Carol Thatcher from the One Show but being prepared  to employ her elsewhere ?

In time these issues of language will get fewer and fewer, terms that cause offense will not be used in peoples childhood etc - in the meantime I prefer to look at what people actually DO. Tell me Prince Charles, Prince Harry or Carol Thatcher actually denied another person opportunity because of the color of their skin or some other negative action, or if they used these terms in real anger and I'll be right there with you, but not this media hype,  IMHO it's the kind of situation that gives PC a bad name.

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Please don't think I am being facetious when I say this, but if I were to meet Carol Thatcher I wouldn't be able to stop myself from thinking that this is the women that farted and kept on talking as if nothing had happened, rather than she had made reference to somebody who looked like a golliwog.  Maybe that says more about me rather than her though.
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A blog that has collected over 5000 viewings and more than 200 repsponses should not be removed because people are tired of it. If you don't want to read it that is fine, you don't have to. I don't want to see 'the songs your are singing' particularly, but it is clearly a blog that is greatly appreciated by many. I certainly wouldn't ask for it to be removed.
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I think it would be a pity if we couldn't have this debate, and I'm happy to keep banging on about it until hell freezes over because I think it's important.  

I also think it's a pity we still are discussing it in the 21st century when I, for one, would have hoped that everybody would agree that if some members of a group of people are offended by being called a particular name, then it is only reasonable to stop calling them by it.  So why, when the one or two black people who (goodness knows why, given the prevalent attitude) post on here, tell everybody that they find the g word to be offensive when used to describe them, do those who have no idea what it is like to be discriminated against because of their skin colour, continue to insist that it's OK? 

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I'm not saying it's OK at all - what I am saying that in the case of Carol Thatcher  it was poorly dealt with and there were probably just as effective and better ways of handling the matter, especially when the BBC are being rather two faced about this. If either Adrian Chiles or Jo Brand had said remonstrated with her immmediatly, she probably would have realised the error of her ways and thought more carefully about how she expressed herself in future.

Of course that wouldn't have been a newspaper story though, would it ?



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[quote user="powerdesal"]Cynthia,

It matter not a jot to me what your race, skin colour, religious persuasion or dietary wishes are but I find your 'anti-white' comment to be seriously racist, totally unacceptable and way out of line. I would ask for an apology but I suspect I would be wasting my time.


Would you care to elucidate?


Your comment......''I would guess that all the replies that seem to think it's ok to use

these terms, are from white members of the forum? That says a lot about

'' in respect of the racist terms previously discussed is, to me, an anti-white (hence racist) comment. As such (being racist) it is not acceptable and is out of line. You may not agree of course.

As said in my post  your race, creed etc are irrelevant, they are not an excuse for racist comments, as you and many other posters have clearly indicated, there is never an excuse for racism. I support that view and, as far as I am aware, have never been (sensibly) accused of racism.

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In response to Baypond. I didn't say I was tired of the replies to my original post, I can always choose to stop reading them. I pointed out that many members seem to be airing personal rants and getting rather abusive , showing themselves to be bigots rather than their version of rascist perhaps?
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You should feel proud that your post illicited such a profound response from so many people! well done.... and I agree,  abuse on the forum is the driving equivalent of road-rage. Anonimity is great for revealing the truth, but does mean we are all a little more vociferous in our arguments sometimes.

I wonder how many people have more than one Forum name, and use them depending on whether they are Jekyll or Hyde for each post.

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Powerdesal look at the statement with just one word changed (and imagine the unpleasant word was to do with someones disability)

' I would guess that all the replies that seem to think it's OK to use these terms, are from non-handicapped members of the forum. That says a lot about them'

would that make that person anti people who are able bodied?

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I think it would be a pity if we couldn't have this debate, and I'm happy to keep banging on about it until hell freezes over because I think it's important.  

I also think it's a pity we still are discussing it in the 21st century when I, for one, would have hoped that everybody would agree that if some members of a group of people are offended by being called a particular name, then it is only reasonable to stop calling them by it.  So why, when the one or two black people who (goodness knows why, given the prevalent attitude) post on here, tell everybody that they find the g word to be offensive when used to describe them, do those who have no idea what it is like to be discriminated against because of their skin colour, continue to insist that it's OK? 


Mrs Lola, I really thought I would not comment any further on this, but again you are the rose in a pile of dirt (as they say in Kildare) Cynthia has had her posts twisted by the Russethouse and that airplane lad. Cynthia is white, and I have to say, fairly red sometimes too! Now she feels very strongly about this subject and has said she will not mingle (even virtually) with these kind of people any longer (she is very proud) It seems that the rare black and half Asian posts are  deemed to be racist for objecting to being called golliwogs. Cynthia is being called a racist for being embarrassed to be white because of the attitude of the racist posters on here. I am completely shocked by the pro golliwoggers on Living France. I am not bothered by being called "curry knickers" I do wear knickers after all, and they are covering me Indian parts and you do associate curry with India. But as has been said before, I would resent being called golliwog and Mrs Gupta has confirmed the same. Now I may have mentioned the time she was attacked by a gang of white yoots in Birmingham. She was beaten and kicked and was called "f***ing paki scum" and told to "f**k off back to paki land" there was a lot worse and they even set fire to her hair before they left, now forgive me for judging them on this one event (they may well never have done anything like that before or since) I am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt (for now) Because after all, they may well have just done this on the spur of the moment and are probably really lovely lads[:D]

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