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UK taxpayers to pay bankers millions in bonuses

Alan Zoff

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I think the real hit on renumeration will be for 2009 and for many years thereafter. In the US they also decided that retrospective application of limits on pay is impossible where bonuses have already been paid.

Incedently, I find it interesting that the press has not caught on to the biggest issue affecting UK tax payers, and that is the fact that UK banks have been badly burnt on their investments in US subprime, and also in the £23 billion pound write by RBS on their purchase of ABN. So while I can understand the obsession with compensation, I can't understand that no one has noticed that UK tax payer money is being pumped in to UK banks because of losses abroad. IE UK taxpayer is paying money that the US  or European tax payers would have had to pay if it wasnt owned by a foreign bank.

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One thing continues to puzzles me with this "taxpayers" or OUR money thing that notably ITN news likes to trot out, like " the banks are being bailed out with OUR money".  When I paid income tax in the UK, I thought that the taxes I paid became the Government's money, to spend on whatever it liked, buying aircraft carriers, building hospitals, bailing out banks or giving aid to poor countries.

If its OUR money, then by ITN's definition, cannot you just ask for it back if you don't like what its being used for?  If not then how can it be OUR (or taxpayers') money?

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[quote user="Frederick"]As Michael Portillo said on TV the other night ...If the bonus is not given they are hardly likely to leave.... nobody is hireing "[/quote]

A contract is a contract. They have to pay. The Govt missed a trick by not making it a condition of investment that bonuses were reviewed in light of the financial failure of the bank, and that any govt investment would be conditional upon a satisfactory outturn from such a review. I think the bankers would have got the message. :-)
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      Adopt a Banker


      With the effects of low low low pay us bankers are getting now

      is the time for us to show the world just how much we care. It's just

       not right. Hundreds of bankers in your very own

      country are living at or just below the six-figure income level!


      As if that weren't bad enough, they will be deprived of pay for

      several weeks - possibly a whole year - as a result of termination

      of their contract.


      But now you can help!


      For about five hundred pounds a day - that's less than the cost of a

      large screen projection TV - you can help a banker remain

      economically viable during his time of need.


      Five hundred pounds a day may not seem like a lot of money to you,

       but to a banker it could mean a holiday spent golfing in Florida or

      a Mediterranean cruise. For you, five hundred pounds is nothing more

      than a months rent or mortgage payments.


      But to a banker, five hundred pounds a day will almost replace

       his pay. Your commitment of five hundred pounds a day will enable a

      banker to buy that home entertainment centre, trade in the

      year-old Ferrari for a new TVR, or enjoy a weekend in Rio.




      Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the

      banker you sponsor. Detailed information about his stocks,

      bonds,houses, and other investment holdings will be mailed to your home.

      You'll also get information on how he plans to invest any spare cash

      he doesn't manage to spend. Plus on signing up for this program, you

      will receive a photo of the banker Put the photo on your

      refrigerator to remind you of other peoples' suffering.




      Your banker will be told that he has a SPECIAL FRIEND who just

      wants to help in a time of need. Although the banker won't know

      your name, he will be able to make collect calls to your home via a

      special operator in case additional funds are needed for unexpected



      Simply fill out the form below:


      YES, I want to help! I would like to sponsor a redundant banker

      My preference is checked below:


      [ ] Team Leader***

      [ ] Systems Analyst**

      [ ] Development Specialist

      [ ] Systems Engineer*

      [ ] Operations Specialist

      [ ] Test Engineer

      [ ] I'll sponsor a banker most in need. Please select one for



      * Higher cost

      ** Much higher cost

      *** Please call to ask for the cost of a specific team


      Please charge the account listed below 500 pounds per day for a

      Systems Analyst or Development Specialist for the next 3 months.

      Please send me a picture of the banker I have sponsored.


      [ ] MasterCard

      [ ] Visa

      [ ] American Express

      [ ] Diner's Club


      Your Name: __________________________


      Telephone Number: __________________________


      Card Number: __________________________


      Exp Date: _________


      Signature: __________________________


      Mail completed form to any major banker agency or call

 0800-TOOMUCH       now to enrol by phone. (Children under 18 must have

 parental approval)


      Note: Sponsors are not permitted to contact the banker they have

      sponsored, either in person or by other means including, but not

      limited to, telephone calls, letters, e-mail, or third parties. Keep

      in mind that the banker you have sponsored will be much too busy

      enjoying his free time, thanks to your generous donations.


      Contributions are not tax-deductible.

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