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Watch for this.. pal almost lost £3000


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My friend last Wednesday got a call from Tesco Credit Card Security..They  asked if he had requested £3.200 to be transferred  from his credit card to a Barclays credit card ..He told them  " No " so they arranged for it to be stopped .... It appears somone phoned purporting to be him and managed to answer enough security questions to arrange the transfer....Mothers Christian name etc ....It  is believed somebody has  got enough details to apply for his birth certificate   As he is from outside the UK and his mother is no longer with us and had never lived in the UK herself ...He cant think how else anybody would know the passwords ..I have asked him if he has dumped a PC without smashing the hard drive .and stuff like that...I post this as its time I think to stop using "Real " people and places   First School ,,Place of birth etc ..We all hear about identity theft...he is the first person I know its happened to . Close to home !...A wake up call I think ..

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[quote user="Frederick"]
It appears somone phoned purporting to be him and managed to answer enough security questions to arrange the transfer....[/quote]

Whilst this may appear to be very worrying, but they obviously were not able to arrange a transfer for the very fact that Tesco Security were not satisfied and contacted him. It is good to see that banking security is on the ball.


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[quote user="Frederick"]

My friend last Wednesday got a call from Tesco Credit Card Security.


Is he absolutely sure the call he received was from Tesco Credit Card Security? And that the call itself was not part of a scam?


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That is good news; this kind of thing can be very worrying. When adding a post to a forum it is all too easy to forget you are writing in an open, public place and might give away too much private detail without considering the possible consequences. (Not that I am saying that this is what happened in this case.)


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On the HSBC site they say they do the same thing if any unusual or large amounts are transferred. They say they will phone to check before proceeding. Not had use of the service yet but  hope it works. I think I have had an e-mail request from every Bank and Building Society in the known world asking me to verify my details etc. Trouble with security systems is there always seem some clever s-d who's got nothing better to do than get round it and steal.


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