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Police State - £900 fines for foreigners and UK nationals


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I think there might be a bit of difficulty enforcing this

A similar thing was implemented in Belgium where non-Belgium residents received heavier fines than residents.

A lady (French I think) took them to the EU court which ruled that you have to treat everyone equally so no uplifted fines.

If I get time I'll try and find the ruling


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Before we start invoking 1984 and all that, it's worth actually reading the article first.......

These are not definitive fines per se, just downpayments in line with the likely fine according to the offence committed.  They will be forfeit in the event that the foreign driver does not turn up to answer the charges.  The downpayment is returned if the offence is not proven.

The fine for a foreign driver with an overloaded truck is likely to be in the region of £900, so that's the downpayment that he has to pay.  Someone caught speeding will pay a £60 downpayment which equates to the standard fixed penalty. Like any fixed penalty, if the driver admits the offence then he pays the fine, otherwise he can opt to go to court.

A more equitable system than arresting foreign drivers who have no UK address to receive a summons, keeping them in the cells overnight, then bringing them before the magistrates court to be dealt with..... 

Or just giving them a ticking off and letting them go....



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A more equitable system than arresting foreign drivers who have no UK address to receive a summons, keeping them in the cells overnight, then bringing them before the magistrates court to be dealt with..... 

From what we all recently heard it seemed as though they were already doing this........(Just in case anyoine misses SD's point)

As far as this proposal is concerned it would seem to pas a "fairness to foreigners test" as it is stated that it would apply to anyone unable to prove their residence in the UK.

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Nothing really to get excited about, but can't help mentioning this figure at the end of the report:

"1,233 foreign drivers were found to be evading the requirement to register their cars within six months of bringing them to Britain during a week-long DVLA campaign last autumn "

Imagine if the same thing was done here[6]

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SD ,do not let a good rant be spoiled by facts.

We all know that the police sit on their backsides, drinking tea, hasle the innocent motorists instead of catching real criminals ,tell lies, and are racist.

That is why the prisons are overflowing with people who have done nothing [:D]



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... and there was me thinking the prisons were full of bent coppers.

They will soon be overflowing with foreigners that cannot lay their hands on £900.

Why are the cops so not bright? If they are really interested in overloaded dangerous foreign lorries why not have a weighbridge and a quick checkover at the port of entry.

Beacause it wouldn't make money and jobs for the boys.

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