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How do you fix the UK


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[quote user="Clarkkent"]I don't think I have read such a load of right-wing tripe for ages. What has been missed out? How about having the death penalty for anti-social behaviour, criticising the state and parking on a double yellow line? Providing that a mechanical system of execution were used, the internal organs of the criminal could then be used for transplant surgery and the surplus sold on to buyers in the USA. This would be of benefit to the NHS and help with the balance of trade.[/quote]

What a good idea, I shall write that one down. [;-)]

Parking is a good one especially for London. How about double the congestion charge but do away with all the meters (change them to charge points for electric cars) and many of the double yellow lines placed in stupid places.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Richard"]Could send all the scallies out to Afghanistan. That would teach them a lesson.

Without the right support, body armour, boots and guns that don't work when you get sand in them. Oh I forgot we do that anyway except they aren't scallies put then it is another illegal invasion of another country. Thats two we have been involved recently, the latter, so some General says, will require us to occupy for around another 20 years.


Q it's great to hear news of the war in Afghanistan has finally reached you.


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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Richard"]Could send all the scallies out to Afghanistan. That would teach them a lesson.


Without the right support, body armour, boots and guns that don't work when you get sand in them. Oh I forgot we do that anyway except they aren't scallies put then it is another illegal invasion of another country. Thats two we have been involved recently, the latter, so some General says, will require us to occupy for around another 20 years.


Look at history. Britain's been doing it for hundreds of years.

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Richard"]Could send all the scallies out to Afghanistan. That would teach them a lesson.

Without the right support, body armour, boots and guns that don't work when you get sand in them. Oh I forgot we do that anyway except they aren't scallies put then it is another illegal invasion of another country. Thats two we have been involved recently, the latter, so some General says, will require us to occupy for around another 20 years.


Q it's great to hear news of the war in Afghanistan has finally reached you.


Ah but its not a war, who has declared war on whom. Its not a war, it is, allegedly, an (illegal) invasion to help Afghanistan to become a democratic country. For it to be a war the government of Afghanistan would have to declare war on the invading armies which it hasn't. Did it want to become a democratic country and who says it has to be and what right to we have in this modern day and age to force our political system on to another country. Looking at the state of the UK and the US I don't think there is much to entice me to becoming democratic like them. In fact judging by the amount of new laws created under the current UK government the UK is becoming more like a dictatorship every day run by a foreigner. Perhaps on second thoughts that what it is all about, make more countries the same and then you don't look so bad.

By the way there are loads of countries still run by head of states or families both in the Middle East and closer to home, Monaco comes to mind immediately. We don't see the US and the UK lining up to invade them do we. Its about time the UK learnt not to be a sock puppet to the US.

Dog - Sarcasm is the lowest form of both wit and intelligence, seems you score on both.

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Bring back Borstal's. A strict regime enforced on the yobs and bully boys by people a but tougher than them might stop the escalation when the younger ones graduate to the more vicious crimes. When watching,very occasionally,the TV showing 4-5 police cars +obligatory helicopter chasing a car thief at 100 plus miles through residential streets,usually repeat known offender, after arrest"No charges brought" or Community Service, it seems more like a game tham a punishment. With the VR cameras,I've never understood why the police can't use them at junctions or traffic lights when offending vehicles can be easily stopped but perhaps they prefer the chase.
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[quote user="Gastines"]Bring back Borstal's. A strict regime enforced on the yobs and bully boys by people a but tougher than them might stop the escalation when the younger ones graduate to the more vicious crimes. [/quote]

Borstal = work camp.

I guess that makes you another right-winger, join the club. 

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I think they should introduce birth licences. If you want a sprog, you have to go on a training course (which you pay for) and must pass several very strict exams. Only those with the ability to pay for the course and pass it are allowed to give birth. This instantly should exclude the ASBO culture from having children as a) they won't be able to afford it and b) they wouldn't have the intelligence to pass it anyway.

Anyone who falls pregnant outside of this permit scheme would be shot. This also saves money on abortions too.

Is that right wing enough to join the clan? [;-)]

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Any one who votes one way or other because a newspaper advises it needs their head tested !

To start with - I'd take a long hard look at NHS management, their pay and conditions included. Some of these people seem to be on deals far better than the job merits. 

I'd bring back compulsory Domestic Science lessons at least until age 14, maybe more. I have a sense of deja vue as I have written this umpteen times on this forum. ( Isn't this actually happening ?)

We should also try to instill some sense of self respect and self worth in young people, this idea of 'anything goes' seems to stem from a lack of both, no sense of pride......and I don't man the habit of some parents to tell their children that everything they do is wonderful, doing that just devalues praise when it is for a genuine acheivement

I'm tempted to say that schools should go back to having a morning assembly because it engendered a sense of community, but in todays multi cultural society I have no idea how practical that would be.......

I'd also like to see a change in the way we view people who are not academic but have other talents, the focus of academic qualifications is great but there are other skills that should be valued more too.

Petty rules and regs should go : recently we applied for 'reserved parking' outside my mothers home, she had to be a blue badge holder to apply, she is so that was fine. Later I had a phone call saying that as her badge came from a different local authority they couldn't take any account of it as different authorities had different standards !!! Why on earth couldn't this be a National Scheme with National standards and guidelines ? (Actually there was a mistake, the Blue badge was issued by the authority she ws applying to ) It's things like that which seem a real waste of money


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Any one who votes one way or other because a newspaper advises it needs their head tested !



More so because it's the Sun. Not even a newspaper really. But it backs my comment up about sun "readers" being banned from the vote.

But in all honesty, it will never be fixed, because fixed to one person, might not be fixed to another. It's a subjective thing.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Richard"]Also, anyone who reads the Sun should instantly be stripped of the right to vote.


Two errors there the biggest being "reads the Sun" and the second is they are now telling people not to vote for Labour.


But if Sun "readers" can't read the Sun thay won't lnow that it's not supporting Labour anymore. Anyway, the only support they are interested in is the support the lady on page 3 isn't wearing.
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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="Dog"][quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Richard"]Could send all the scallies out to Afghanistan. That would teach them a lesson.

Without the right support, body armour, boots and guns that don't work when you get sand in them. Oh I forgot we do that anyway except they aren't scallies put then it is another illegal invasion of another country. Thats two we have been involved recently, the latter, so some General says, will require us to occupy for around another 20 years.


Q it's great to hear news of the war in Afghanistan has finally reached you.


Ah but its not a war, who has declared war on whom. Its not a war, it is, allegedly, an (illegal) invasion to help Afghanistan to become a democratic country. For it to be a war the government of Afghanistan would have to declare war on the invading armies which it hasn't. Did it want to become a democratic country and who says it has to be and what right to we have in this modern day and age to force our political system on to another country. Looking at the state of the UK and the US I don't think there is much to entice me to becoming democratic like them. In fact judging by the amount of new laws created under the current UK government the UK is becoming more like a dictatorship every day run by a foreigner. Perhaps on second thoughts that what it is all about, make more countries the same and then you don't look so bad.

By the way there are loads of countries still run by head of states or families both in the Middle East and closer to home, Monaco comes to mind immediately. We don't see the US and the UK lining up to invade them do we. Its about time the UK learnt not to be a sock puppet to the US.

Dog - Sarcasm is the lowest form of both wit and intelligence, seems you score on both.


Where are you going to find this Afghan government to declare war?

The puppet one isn't going to do anything it's not told to.

I see you are reverting to your 'fowl' language again (your word not mine as you don't appear to know the difference between foul and fowl) - I was forced to use some rather simple sarcasm as I wouldn't waste irony on you - it would seem that men such as your good self have to do some awful things to keep their respectability. 


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[quote user="buelligan"]Hey Quillan, I've spotted a houler(?) in another posting of yours....do I get a prize or something...?[:D][/quote]

Absolutely, you get two free nights stay in my B&B including an evening meal with good wine, free champagne and luxury bedroom pack (includes masseuse).

Note :- this offer is only available for the nights of 30th Feb and 31st Feb

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Well, all I can say is that almost all of you who have posted on this thread have already helped to fix broken Britain by leaving it and living in France!

Living both in France and the UK as I do, I see them both as great places to live - both with faults of course, but both with so many virtues. I'm not going even to try to convince you of this as "information cannot argue with a closed mind".  Can't remember who first said that but they were right. [:)]

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Having had a discussion; that turned fairly heated ; on the U.K.'s predicament and the rascism now creeping into the arena as well as it's financial state, one point came home. It seems that your opinions and views are radically affected by the area in which you live and work. If you are fortunate to live in an affluent district and work in the higher ,employment unaffected by the mass of cheaper immigrant labour available,Not put back in the queue by Doctor,Dentist, Hospital or Housing Authority,it surely must give you a rather rosier view as in N.I.M.B.Y.The only residents of the U.K. not affected or not abiding to the numerous proposals,rules and regulations ,seems to be the Immigrant and Traveller population.
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[quote user="plod"]Are you suggesting the UK is better off without us? I agree with your other sentiments.[/quote]

Well, certainly suggesting that it is better off without the unrelieved negativity and prejudice of many of the posts on this thread.....

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[quote user="Gastines"]Having had a discussion; that turned fairly heated ; on the U.K.'s predicament and the rascism now creeping into the arena as well as it's financial state, one point came home. It seems that your opinions and views are radically affected by the area in which you live and work. If you are fortunate to live in an affluent district and work in the higher ,employment unaffected by the mass of cheaper immigrant labour available,Not put back in the queue by Doctor,Dentist, Hospital or Housing Authority,it surely must give you a rather rosier view as in N.I.M.B.Y.The only residents of the U.K. not affected or not abiding to the numerous proposals,rules and regulations ,seems to be the Immigrant and Traveller population.[/quote] Got that off your chest? It must be very comforting to see Britain through the rose-tinted lenses of the Daily Mail. I do live in an area which has a relatively high proportion of immigrant labour - and do you know what? They are needed because they are doing jobs which the indigenous population don't want to do. And do you know what else? Many of them are returning to their homelands causing minor crises in some employment areas. As it happens, I don't know of anyone who does not receive appropriate medical or dental or housing attention when it is needed. Not only that but I can get a same day eye test at Specsavers should I need it! I don't really understand what you mean by "numerous proposals, rules and regulations" - would you please explain? And which arena is racism creeping into? And how? And why? I agree with KathyF, both Britain and France are agreeable places to live - both in their own way. I don't see the need to disparage Britain as a justification for living in France.
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