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I'm in danger of becoming disgusted of Tunbridge Wells ...


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except for the simple fact that I was born in Greater Manchester.

Perhaps it is my own fault and I should just stop looking at the UK news.

My closest neighbours in France are a couple of 74 and 76 and they are active and happy and have a super life with family and friends. The contrast between this man and them is palpable.

This is the pits.


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I can't help but feel dreadfully sorry for the man and even more for his poor dog.

The situation for him was desperate.  It's difficult to understand if we are not in the same situation but I do know how it is with the elderly.  Sometimes they lose all sense of proportion.

Mind you, I, too, am perfectly capable of losing all sense of proportion and, if I'd found those burglars, I'd have a good go at killing them in pretty cold blood. 

And I am not normally violent, honest!

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Trouble is there is no "fear " within the community in the UK today ...There used to be ..fear of being caught . fear of what the police would do to you, fear of what the court would do ,fear of ending up in prison .... thats all gone ... There is a small town in the USA where every person is free to carry a firearm any time anywhere day or night . No crime there ... Go to mug an old lady you face the possibility of her taking a pistol from her pocket and blowing your head off ....That fear of what might happen to you there if you break the law stops the law being broken .... it works !
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I agree Dog, utterly horrible. 

IMHO, though I don't think we can conveniently abandon the guilt for this sort of thing at the feet of some faceless bunch of hoodies.  This goes a lot deeper than that - we just don't want to look it in the eye.  We (humans) have created societies all over Britain (and in other parts of the world), were a normal old fellow can starve himself to death and no-one, not the neighbours, not the council, not the social services, not the police, not anyone does anything until the poor old chap is finished.  That speaks volumes about the way we care for one another, what we see our responsibility as, where our remit ends, whether we can be arsed.  The onus is on all members of a society to care and to be responsible for one another.  Don't be "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells", be active, be compassionate, make the change!

As I may have mentioned on another thread recently; All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

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[quote user="buelligan"]

I agree Dog, utterly horrible. 

IMHO, though I don't think we can conveniently abandon the guilt for this sort of thing at the feet of some faceless bunch of hoodies.  This goes a lot deeper than that - we just don't want to look it in the eye.  We (humans) have created societies all over Britain (and in other parts of the world), were a normal old fellow can starve himself to death and no-one, not the neighbours, not the council, not the social services, not the police, not anyone does anything until the poor old chap is finished.  That speaks volumes about the way we care for one another, what we see our responsibility as, where our remit ends, whether we can be arsed.  The onus is on all members of a society to care and to be responsible for one another.  Don't be "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells", be active, be compassionate, make the change!

As I may have mentioned on another thread recently; All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


they just swan off to France...

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Scooby... Scooby....Scoooooooby.......you mad ol' darling, you!  I'm afraid I just don't see the relevance of your comment.  I consider myself responsible for the happiness and well-being of the members of the society in which I live.  I embrace, join and support my community.  I do not feel that Britain, France or any other country can be considered seperate from the others.  I am a small part of the community of this planet.  It is my duty to do what I can to make this world a good place to live.
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[quote user="Scooby"]For the record, my dearest Bue, I am neither mad nor old - in fact, it will be a few decades before I reach state retirement age, sweetie pie...[;-)]

I am quite quite mad and consider myself ancient even though I have decades to go before legal retirement age.

I actually like being invisible I find living in communities where everyone knows everyones business claustrophobic.

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="buelligan"]

I agree Dog, utterly horrible. 

IMHO, though I don't think we can conveniently abandon the guilt for this sort of thing at the feet of some faceless bunch of hoodies.  This goes a lot deeper than that - we just don't want to look it in the eye.  We (humans) have created societies all over Britain (and in other parts of the world), were a normal old fellow can starve himself to death and no-one, not the neighbours, not the council, not the social services, not the police, not anyone does anything until the poor old chap is finished.  That speaks volumes about the way we care for one another, what we see our responsibility as, where our remit ends, whether we can be arsed.  The onus is on all members of a society to care and to be responsible for one another.  Don't be "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells", be active, be compassionate, make the change!

As I may have mentioned on another thread recently; All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


they just swan off to France...

Yes and ignorance is bliss. I don't think there were any good stories in the Independent (our French regional paper) last week, made you think you were living back in the UK. Hardly any different from reading an English paper. Old folk can't afford to have their heating boilers serviced and end up being gassed or worse (house catches fire and they are burnt to death). I was reading the other week that its not a good thing to live within a couple of km's from an autoroute as the city 'boys' are cruising up and down, turning off, turning houses over then back to the Autoroute and away they go and never get caught. Did they learn that off the English I wonder or just come up with the idea on their own. If you go looking France is no better or worse than the UK, its just different.

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Scooby wrote; [quote]For the record, my dearest Bue, I am neither mad nor old[/quote] ...I suppose, if you really wanted a definitive judgement on that you would need to find an unbiased judge to make the decision.  From where I'm standing, you seem as mad as a lorry.  BTW, if you want a scrap, why not take it to PMs (or I could meet you at dawn, your choice of weapons)?  It seems rather wrong to constantly hi-jack other folks' threads.  Alternatively, you could try responding to the subject in question - that might help to make you appear less bonkers.
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Crumbs that's quite a kickback... Have you got a hangover?

I rather like the idea of hijacking threads - OK hands up! We are taking the rags to Steptoes Yard and then I want 10,000,000 boiled sweets and a purple helicopter to take me to Alton Towers. Oh and I want this weeks copy of MCN and a winning Euro Lottery ticket - no make that two...

Alternatively this thread will be......





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[quote user="buelligan"]Scooby wrote; [quote]For the record, my dearest Bue, I am neither mad nor old[/quote] ...I suppose, if you really wanted a definitive judgement on that you would need to find an unbiased judge to make the decision.  From where I'm standing, you seem as mad as a lorry.  BTW, if you want a scrap, why not take it to PMs (or I could meet you at dawn, your choice of weapons)?  It seems rather wrong to constantly hi-jack other folks' threads.  Alternatively, you could try responding to the subject in question - that might help to make you appear less bonkers.[/quote]

I think, but I might be wrong, that what Scooby is saying is that in a way he/she is agreeing with what you said but rather than face up to things people run away to France (and other countries) thinking they have left all that sort of thing behind. Because they don't bother to find out whats going on around them in their new home they are ignorant of the fact they have often walked in to something not to disimular to what they have left but they just don't know it. Hence me agreeing with Scooby in my post.

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="Scooby"]For the record, my dearest Bue, I am neither mad nor old - in fact, it will be a few decades before I reach state retirement age, sweetie pie...[;-)]


I am quite quite mad and consider myself ancient even though I have decades to go before legal retirement age.

I actually like being invisible I find living in communities where everyone knows everyones business claustrophobic.


I think you are delightfully mad Dog - in a lovely, eccentric kind of way. 

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[quote user="Quillan"]

I think, but I might be wrong, that what Scooby is saying is that in a way he/she is agreeing with what you said but rather than face up to things people run away to France (and other countries) thinking they have left all that sort of thing behind. Because they don't bother to find out whats going on around them in their new home they are ignorant of the fact they have often walked in to something not to disimular to what they have left but they just don't know it. Hence me agreeing with Scooby in my post.


That was exactly what I meant Quillan.

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Yes, you're probably right Quillan, I should be more charitable towards Scooby.  After all, she is a member of the world community and I owe her the same level of love, compassion and understanding that I owe to all living things.  I apologise, Scooby, I am sure you are not as mad as a lorry at all.[:D]
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[quote user="Patf"]

To go back to the OP - what about conscripting those young villains and sending them off to fight in Afghanistan?

Give them something creative to do [:@]


Most likely where they came from in the first place. [;-)] Perhaps they are English afgans??????
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Frederick wrote; [quote]  I think the army has enough problems on its plate at the moment without adding to it  by giving  them lots of little sods who dont want to be in it . [/quote]

Quite so Frederick, as have the poor Afghanis!  No, we're just going to have to deal with this problem ourselves.

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