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Halal meat . Are you happy to buy it ?


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Someone kick the record player, the needle must be stuck.

Dog, can I suggest to you that if you wish in any way to influence meat eaters to modify their behaviour, you are going about it completely the wrong way. I can only speak for myself (obviously) but I find your attitude and style of posting makes me want to totally ignore any relevant points you may be raising. You show a total intolerance of other people's views.

I haven't bothered reading all the posts in this thread but probably enough to get the general flavour (pun intended). However, I've read similar threads related to meat eater/vegetarians and your style is just the same.

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From the research and reading I have been doing as a result of this thread (and questions to jewish / muslim friends) - I think I may switch to eating halal / kosher meat on a regular basis.  It is healthier (the blood is drained) and the methods of slaughter seem less cruel.  Thanks Frederick for raising the topic!

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[quote user="DerekJ"]Someone kick the record player, the needle must be stuck.

Dog, can I suggest to you that if you wish in any way to influence meat eaters to modify their behaviour, you are going about it completely the wrong way. I can only speak for myself (obviously) but I find your attitude and style of posting makes me want to totally ignore any relevant points you may be raising. You show a total intolerance of other people's views.

I haven't bothered reading all the posts in this thread but probably enough to get the general flavour (pun intended). However, I've read similar threads related to meat eater/vegetarians and your style is just the same.

Welcome DerekJ - I have read similar posts and your comments are just the same....

May I repeat I have no interest in your habits - if you want to kill yourself that is up to you - but if we are having a discussion please try and discuss -not just adopt an anti view.

Why are meat eaters so boring? They do not bother with life and the way it is lived.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Anybody shocked by Dogs comments?

Any idea who we should be praying to and what prayer we should use? Any idea which religion these animals belong to? Has anybody asked?


Trite comment - we are talking about halaal - can you not pay respect to people with religious convictions? Surely there is a way to better life for both animals and humans.  I realise you do not like open honest debate, and enjoy stifling intelligent education- irreligion being your prefered option perhaps.

What is the masonic way of slaughter does it follow halaal methods -they face east when making a sacrifice do you?

Anybody shocked at the comments of Q?

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="DerekJ"]Someone kick the record player, the needle must be stuck.

Dog, can I suggest to you that if you wish in any way to influence meat eaters to modify their behaviour, you are going about it completely the wrong way. I can only speak for myself (obviously) but I find your attitude and style of posting makes me want to totally ignore any relevant points you may be raising. You show a total intolerance of other people's views.

I haven't bothered reading all the posts in this thread but probably enough to get the general flavour (pun intended). However, I've read similar threads related to meat eater/vegetarians and your style is just the same.


 but if we are having a discussion please try and discuss -not just adopt an anti view.

Why are meat eaters so boring? They do not bother with life and the way it is lived.


Not an anti-view of vegetarians. None of my business and I don't mind what you choose to eat. I have no problems with you stating your views and making your arguements. My point is that your style and manner of doing it is counterproductive and has quite the opposire effect.

Why are meat eaters so boring?

Again, you can't resist can you and it is this style that works against you.

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[quote user="DerekJ"][quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="DerekJ"]Someone kick the record player, the needle must be stuck.

Dog, can I suggest to you that if you wish in any way to influence meat eaters to modify their behaviour, you are going about it completely the wrong way. I can only speak for myself (obviously) but I find your attitude and style of posting makes me want to totally ignore any relevant points you may be raising. You show a total intolerance of other people's views.

I haven't bothered reading all the posts in this thread but probably enough to get the general flavour (pun intended). However, I've read similar threads related to meat eater/vegetarians and your style is just the same.

 but if we are having a discussion please try and discuss -not just adopt an anti view.

Why are meat eaters so boring? They do not bother with life and the way it is lived.


Not an anti-view of vegetarians. None of my business and I don't mind what you choose to eat. I have no problems with you stating your views and making your arguements. My point is that your style and manner of doing it is counterproductive and has quite the opposire effect.

Why are meat eaters so boring?

Again, you can't resist can you and it is this style that works against you.


If my way of argument is counterproductive therefor you believe it is correct - but would prefer it modified, dumbed down and watered down so you do not feel so much guilt?

I don't care how you think I just hope that you think...

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[quote user="Dog"]

If my way of argument is counterproductive therefor you believe it is correct - but would prefer it modified, dumbed down and watered down so you do not feel so much guilt?

I don't care how you think I just hope that you think...


If my way of argument is counterproductive therefor you believe it is correct

What twisted logic did you use to deduce that?  I never suggested you dumb it down either. I do, however, suggest that if you want people to seriously consider your points you stop making personal attacks and being so damned rude. Re: guilt, sorry, you're mistaking me for someone else.

I don't care how you think I just hope that you think...

Hardly likely to win me over is it?

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[quote user="DerekJ"][quote user="Dog"]

If my way of argument is counterproductive therefor you believe it is correct - but would prefer it modified, dumbed down and watered down so you do not feel so much guilt?

I don't care how you think I just hope that you think...


If my way of argument is counterproductive therefor you believe it is correct

What twisted logic did you use to deduce that?  I never suggested you dumb it down either. I do, however, suggest that if you want people to seriously consider your points you stop making personal attacks and being so damned rude. Re: guilt, sorry, you're mistaking me for someone else.

I don't care how you think I just hope that you think...

Hardly likely to win me over is it?

Likewise - it is a pointless argument. What twisted logic do you use? You are the one that said my methods were wrong but made no counter to the content.

You must be mistaking me for someone else....

This is daft what do you think - do animals deserve a second thought? Would you consider better animal husbandry and an end to starvation?

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[quote user="Dog"]

Likewise - it is a pointless argument. What twisted logic do you use? You are the one that said my methods were wrong but made no counter to the content.

You must be mistaking me for someone else....

This is daft what do you think - do animals deserve a second thought? Would you consider better animal husbandry and an end to starvation?


Likewise - it is a pointless argument. What twisted logic do you use?

You are the one that said my methods were wrong but made no counter to

the content.

I presume that you are motivated to make an effect on people's meat eating habits and either reduce or totally remove their meat eating? It is perfectly possible to make valid points regarding the moral, health benefits etc. I  have been attempting to explain to you that the style in which you choose to present your points is counterproductive in that it tends to alienate people (well, me at least) and therefore your points do/may not get the consideration you would want. 

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[quote user="DerekJ"][quote user="Dog"]

Likewise - it is a pointless argument. What twisted logic do you use? You are the one that said my methods were wrong but made no counter to the content.

You must be mistaking me for someone else....

This is daft what do you think - do animals deserve a second thought? Would you consider better animal husbandry and an end to starvation?


Likewise - it is a pointless argument. What twisted logic do you use? You are the one that said my methods were wrong but made no counter to the content.

I presume that you are motivated to make an effect on people's meat eating habits and either reduce or totally remove their meat eating? It is perfectly possible to make valid points regarding the moral, health benefits etc. I  have been attempting to explain to you that the style in which you choose to present your points is counterproductive in that it tends to alienate people (well, me at least) and therefore your points do/may not get the consideration you would want. 


You seem to understand the  holistic view - it is my choice to make the points I make in the way I wish to. I appreciate you comments but you haven't taken the discussion a helium light band forward.

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[quote user="DerekJ"]Dog. Thanks for the entertainment tonight. Helium light band??? no that was never my intention. Just to try and assist you in getting people to seriously listen to you.

Nighty, night.


Sleep tight - at least motorcyclists can jest and scratch together... I

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[quote user="Scooby"]Ahermmmm - wasn't this thread about western slaughter methods v halal / kosher and NOT meat eaters v veggies????

Yes - the western meat eater types have no interest it seems in Sharia law regarding animal husbandry and slaughter and do not even consider religion in this shocking matter.

It would be better to learn something and move forward than to make silly arguments.

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[quote user="Scooby"]Ahermmmm - wasn't this thread about western slaughter methods v halal / kosher and NOT meat eaters v veggies????

Quite right. Where I live Champion, Lidl, Intermarche and LeClerc all sell Halal meat. I did notice in LeClerc that not only do they have Halal but Kosher meat as well. I believe the slaughter is the same but there is no 'prayer' or mention of God when Kosher meat is slaughtered.

Ironically I believe both groups do not eat pork yet many animal feeds (particularly cow feed) contains pork extract and in some products the level can be up to 75%. If you work on the fact that its the method of slaughter that is important and not what the husbandry it seems a bit bizzar that many Muslim's and Jew's (and other non pork eating people) could be eating, in a way, pork and not realise it. I think its about time there is a compulsory labeling system introduced on meat saying what its been fed and written in plain language.

I remember when BSE was first diagnosed in the UK and they said about the feed containing animal product. I thought of cows in particular who are vegetarian by design and that it seems quite stupid to give them something they are not really designed to eat. No wonder they had problems I thought.

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Quillan wrote;[quote]I remember when BSE was first diagnosed in the UK and they said about the feed containing animal product. I thought of cows in particular who are vegetarian by design and that it seems quite stupid to give them something they are not really designed to eat. No wonder they had problems I thought.[/quote]

Yep! you and me both Quillan![:(] 

Reads like you all had a bit of a grumpy evening last night - glad I went out![:D]

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[quote user="Scooby"]Ahermmmm - wasn't this thread about western slaughter methods v halal / kosher and NOT meat eaters v veggies????

I thought  that Frederick was implying , here's another example of Sharia law being forced on us.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Scooby"]Ahermmmm - wasn't this thread about western slaughter methods v halal / kosher and NOT meat eaters v veggies????

Quite right. Where I live Champion, Lidl, Intermarche and LeClerc all sell Halal meat. I did notice in LeClerc that not only do they have Halal but Kosher meat as well. I believe the slaughter is the same but there is no 'prayer' or mention of God when Kosher meat is slaughtered.

Ironically I believe both groups do not eat pork yet many animal feeds (particularly cow feed) contains pork extract and in some products the level can be up to 75%. If you work on the fact that its the method of slaughter that is important and not what the husbandry it seems a bit bizzar that many Muslim's and Jew's (and other non pork eating people) could be eating, in a way, pork and not realise it. I think its about time there is a compulsory labeling system introduced on meat saying what its been fed and written in plain language.

I remember when BSE was first diagnosed in the UK and they said about the feed containing animal product. I thought of cows in particular who are vegetarian by design and that it seems quite stupid to give them something they are not really designed to eat. No wonder they had problems I thought.


Why haven't you asked these supermarkets why they only sell basic Halaal meat and not the superior Halaal Tayyib?

The reasons you do not get honest labelling is because the whole meat industry is corrupt.

Have you even taken up the offers of traceability of the meat you eat for instance?

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[quote user="Dog"]

Why haven't you asked these supermarkets why they only sell basic Halaal meat and not the superior Halaal Tayyib?

The reasons you do not get honest labelling is because the whole meat industry is corrupt.

Have you even taken up the offers of traceability of the meat you eat for instance?


A new day so lets all try and be civil.

I have not asked the supermarkets why they only sell only one type of Halal meat to another because I don't eat it. However I might give it a try for the same reasons that Scooby mentioned. As far as I am aware Halal Tayyib meat is organic and no different from eating none Halal organic meat.

I don't think its just the meat industry that is corrupt. As I understand it the whole of the food industry suffers from sharp practices such as moving food from one country to another to claim where it was sourced from.

I have never traced any food back to its origin. To be honest I have to say that one has to have a  fair amount of trust on where your food comes from be it meat, vegetables, fruit or whatever when you buy it in a shop. Even Organic shops have been caught selling items incorrectly marked as being organic. Thats not to say that the shop keepers themselves are doing anything wrong, it has been more often the supplier who has been the culprit. I guess the only way for sure is to grow your own food, breed your own livestock and slaughter it yourself. For me the problem with that is time although I do keep chickens ( a dog, three cats and a wife, guess which is the most expensive [;-)] ) and very happy chickens they are too with a couple of acres to play in and no I don't eat them, my wife having given them all names would never let me. They do produce excellent eggs, much better than I get in shops.

Did I read somewhere that you grow your own veg and are you able to be self sufficient in that respect?

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