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Halal meat . Are you happy to buy it ?


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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Théière"][quote user="Dog"]

It is true that if people saw the way their meat was slaughtered and had to pay the real cost they would realise there are better alternatives than eating slaughterhouse products. Its carried out in a humane way as shown by Hugh Fearnley whittingstall

I take it you have been in the presence of  Halaal slaughter? The sheep I saw slaughtered carried on breathing for over two minutes with their heads hacked off with a knife - was it crueler than the average UK standard slaughterhouse - probably not - at least the muslims take it seriously unlike the operatives in european slaughterhouses that have little or no beliefs and often abuse the process for fun as they are so bored and are none to bright. With the number of animals slaughtered even the slaughterhouse persons would have tired of abusing for fun. Saddly Dog that is really propaganda. 

If you then saw the corruption of meat processing - for instance meat past its sell by date coming back to be unpacked, scraped, sprayed with brightening chemicals then repacked and labelled for suckers to buy. In France, the Loire Valley to be precise, My Niece worked on a mushroom farm in the hillside underground just outside Chatellerault. There were no toilet facilities or hand washing facilities for the staff, many of whom "watered" the crops. Don't worry though because all of the mushrooms were washed in bleach to make them nice and white again.

I realise you are probably addicted to SHPs and cannot see a better way and will never enjoy tasty food full of life. Our food, and I shared a flat with veggies when I was at college is not full of life it's all death, be it animal or vegetable.

It will not be many years before meat eating is seen for what it is. Since Man (Homo erectus) has been around eating meat for 1.5 million years how many more will it be before it's seen for what it is (Food) [:)]



You obviously havent worked in a slaughterhouse  True- do you really think you will see what happens with HFW and the TV cameras there? Yes in that particular case I do, can you prove otherwise?

Do not think meat is produced in a benign fashion just because you have knowlege of a badly produced mushroom. a badly produced mushroom? a bloody great cave network of badly produced mushrooms

Open your eyes and mind. You too

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[quote user="Dog"]Think about it - veggies prefer to eat living food it's good for you - meat eaters eat dead cadavers.[/quote]

For pity sake, unless you are on your hands and knees grazing your food is also dead and decaying minute by minute (worse in some French supermarkets)

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[quote user="Richard"]I like both. Meat is lovely and so are veggies. I'm happy, we're happy, hope your happy too (jeez I sound like a David Bowie song). That's going to run in my mind for days now!


Liking  and happiness has little to do with eating dead animals - why don't you bother to see what you are eating and the way it is produced?

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="Richard"]I like both. Meat is lovely and so are veggies. I'm happy, we're happy, hope your happy too (jeez I sound like a David Bowie song). That's going to run in my mind for days now!



Liking  and happiness has little to do with eating dead animals - why don't you bother to see what you are eating and the way it is produced?


Because I have far more important things to do with my life.

I would like wars and famine to stop, but I can't do anything about that either.

I respect your beliefs and your right to choose not to eat meat, now respect mine!

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[quote user="Scooby"]We buy our meat directly from the slaughterhouse - and we are free to look if we choose.  I don't think they would allow that if they were exposing the animals to unnecessary cruelty.


Ask to work there for a month you will change your entire thought process.

Do you really think they will show you the evil, corrupt unsound practices?

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[quote user="Théière"]

[quote user="Dog"]Think about it - veggies prefer to eat living food it's good for you - meat eaters eat dead cadavers.[/quote]

For pity sake, unless you are on your hands and knees grazing your food is also dead and decaying minute by minute (worse in some French supermarkets)


Most of my veg comes from the garden and is eaten within an hour

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[quote user="Théière"]

[Veg, root crop carrot, spud etc, torn from the ground! not stunned but their skins removed whilst still alive! then plunged into boiling water! Outrageous behaviour.


My, you're in sparkling form tonight, Théière!  [:D]

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="Scooby"]We buy our meat directly from the slaughterhouse - and we are free to look if we choose.  I don't think they would allow that if they were exposing the animals to unnecessary cruelty.


Ask to work there for a month you will change your entire thought process.

Do you really think they will show you the evil, corrupt unsound practices?


Do you think you could show me?

I have told you where to find the unsavoury and un sanitory mushroom farm, Go take a look I dare you!

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[quote user="Théière"]

[quote user="Scooby"]Although alternatives can be used to replace blood volume there are currently no oxygen carrying substitutes.  So, yes, blood is still needed.


There is I belive an oxgen carrying liquid, they did experiments with deep sea divers breathing a liquid. Worth a google!

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_breathing


The problem is, though, that hospitals won't pay for these treatments. 

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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="Théière"]

[Veg, root crop carrot, spud etc, torn from the ground! not stunned but their skins removed whilst still alive! then plunged into boiling water! Outrageous behaviour.


My, you're in sparkling form tonight, Théière!  [:D]


Nothing on the telly, could have done some invoices though [:)]

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="Théière"]

[quote user="Scooby"]Although alternatives can be used to replace blood volume there are currently no oxygen carrying substitutes.  So, yes, blood is still needed.

There is I belive an oxgen carrying liquid, they did experiments with deep sea divers breathing a liquid. Worth a google!

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_breathing


The problem is, though, that hospitals won't pay for these treatments. 

Quite right, let the JW's pay, don't they collect from their flock like Donny and Maries' ?

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[quote user="Théière"][quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="Scooby"]We buy our meat directly from the slaughterhouse - and we are free to look if we choose.  I don't think they would allow that if they were exposing the animals to unnecessary cruelty.


Ask to work there for a month you will change your entire thought process.

Do you really think they will show you the evil, corrupt unsound practices?


Do you think you could show me?

I have told you where to find the unsavoury and un sanitory mushroom farm, Go take a look I dare you!


I can quite believe that your mushrooms are produced badly.

If you have time we can apply for a job at a slaughterhouse in Uk nad you may be surprised...

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Well I can answer one of the points - my jewish friend (who is obviously as crazy as I am to be up and on the pc at this hour!!) says no there is no restriction.  Apparently if it's a life and death issue then the kosher rules can be waived too - according to a rabbi she knows!

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Théière"][quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="Scooby"]We buy our meat directly from the slaughterhouse - and we are free to look if we choose.  I don't think they would allow that if they were exposing the animals to unnecessary cruelty.


Ask to work there for a month you will change your entire thought process.

Do you really think they will show you the evil, corrupt unsound practices?


Do you think you could show me?

I have told you where to find the unsavoury and un sanitory mushroom farm, Go take a look I dare you!


I can quite believe that your mushrooms are produced badly. No neither could I untill we got a brief tour of the working conditions.

If you have time we can apply for a job at a slaughterhouse in Uk nad you may be surprised...I will try and find out where my nearest is and go and have a look

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Also passed pumpkin hour for me - and I have the delight of a two hour drive tomorrow to watch a 'spectacular' being put on by our new board of directors.  They plan to teach us their values.  As they are all bankers - and most of them assh*les to boot, I am delighted at the prospect.  I will bid you goodnight and pray I don't have nightmares tonight and that I can bite my tongue tomorrow.....

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[quote user="Scooby"]Well I can answer one of the points - my jewish friend (who is obviously as crazy as I am to be up and on the pc at this hour!!) says no there is no restriction.  Apparently if it's a life and death issue then the kosher rules can be waived too - according to a rabbi she knows!

In many religions if it is a life and death situation and you have no alternative fine do what you deem necessary to survive.

In day to day life you are not in this situation so you can take the time to decide what goes down your gullet.

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