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Fred the Curry Man (Aude/Ariege)


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Knowing how much many English people in France miss their curry fix (this doesn't include me, I have to admit), I thought I should tell you about Fred the Curry Man.

Fred is a pensioner who, like many of us, has been hard hit by the dramatic change in exchange rates. He needed to bring in some extra Euros, so he has come to an arrangement with his son. The son is big in the curry sauce market in UK and now imports a wide range of curry sauces to Fred, who sells them on two markets at present.

Fred has 14 different sauces - Medium Balti, Rogan Josh, Thair Green, Tikka Masala, Mild Korma, Medium Jalfrezi, Mild Pasanda, Moroccan Tagine, Malaysian Rendhang, Hot Madras, Thai Red Hot, Medium Dopiazza,, Medium Dhanzak and Thai Yellow. That's all Greek to me, but no doubt has a curry freak's tongue hanging out.

At present, Fred's stall is only to be seen at the Quillan Saturday morning market and at Limoux (in the indoor market) of a Friday. Surprisingly, 60% of his customers are French (sho said the French don't like piquant?) but I suspect that is because most English people in the area are unaware of him as yet.

I wangled his 'phone number from him. It is 04 68 20 21 62
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  • 2 months later...
This message is just to save people unnecessary travel.

Fred the Curry Man, who operates on markets in Aude and Ariege, is just about to go into hospital for four weeks to have a knee replacement.

This means that, for the time being, access to his goods can be achieved only on Saturday mornings at Quillan market, where his wife Margaret will be womanning the stall.

Good luck with the op, Fred.

My blog:


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