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Pree Budget in UK


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You can change your old broiler (it used to be called human trafficking) and bingo has been criminalised.

Just when you thought the parliamentarians had got it right they gave bankers a 150% pay rise.

Meanwhile the Chancellor said he would plug the hole in the British defeceit  ( I doubt if he could spell it correctly either) and he said he would cut 'things' and yet increased borrowing.

For people earning under £50,000 a year they must give it all to the taxman as they are not very clever.

Now I suppose they will be off on a three month holiday - ahh the sweet smell of money........

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Nah! This was the pre-budget budget, the one where Darling announces to Parliament what all the pundits have been saying for days.

I smell trouble looming once this banning of Bingo takes hold, grandmas will be taking to the streets once more to demonstrate, just as the streets have been made safe by New Labours "Tough on crime.....tough on the causes etc etc." And once Bingo has been driven underground spivs will whisper "Two little ducks twenty-two and any way up 69." to old ladies waiting at bus stops.

The RSPCA are now asking for more funding as they are seriously understaffed and are unable to cope with the order to get rid of all fat cats.  Where is it all going to end?  Should Dog be worried?

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