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Britain cant pull out of Europe now old mates: its far too late. Dear old ted the Hampsteads did for us when he blew away the commonwealth.

And why don't you blokes speak your mind? that party you hint at is obviously BNP.

Dave the toff cant offer anything different to Labour: except another different firm of cronies sucking up to the trough. And another load of lies and promises he cant keep me old mates!

All the rest is bs: like all damned politicians mate.

Our prob now is how in hell do we pay back the billions?

Sack half the civil servants that's the real way.

The politicians have lost site of us; thats the big trouble.

ukip and BNP havent a hope in hell of ever becoming a government; as a londoner born and bred i muight well vote for them just instead of all the same old same old and there damned cheek in sending down some geezer (one of there mates) from head office weve never heard of as our candidate!

Me and a load of others voting for bnp might just wake the buggers up in there dreamworld they live in!


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Well the UK like any other nation in the EU has the right to leave. In some of the more affluent countries some people feel that the UK is dragging so far behind the rest of the EU that perhaps it would be better if they left or were even pushed. The only saving grace for the UK is that its not in the Euro. I don't mean its good for the UK I mean at the moment its good for Euroland as they don't have to throw shed loads of Euros at it like they have had to do (and still do) with Spain, Ireland and a couple of other Euro currency countries (to keep the value of the Euro up). Don't forget that the UK is still in recession unlike most of Europe and the US. Of course the only reason why these countries are out of recession is, in Milibands words, because they followed the excellent advice that GB gave them on how to fix their economies, shame he never followed his own advice then or was it because they ignored him?

As to Heath giving away the Empire I am afraid you are incorrect. The end of the British Empire was just after the end of WW2. We were heavily in debt to the US (we only finally paid it off a few years back, 2006 I believe or there about) and simply could not afford to run them. Also the countries from the Empire who fought alongside us noticed that they didn't get anything, not even a thank you, for doing so which is another reason why they wanted to leave and did and there was nothing we could do. Try Googling "when did the British Empire end" for a lot more on that.

As to voting for the BNP as a way of making the major parties wake up well if everyone felt similar, like your mates and you; guess what, you might just end up with the BPN in power. I mean who would have thought they would get a couple of MEP's in to Brussels not to mention local council members. I think that if you want to make a protest then do what another forum member suggested, spoil your voting slip. It still has to be counted and if enough people did it, even those that wouldn't normally vote because they are p*ssed off it would certainly get in the news and the parties would have to stop and start to think.

I personally think that they have reacted to the BMP MEP's getting voted in, it scares them and they are starting to see the writing on the wall. This, in my opinion, is why they 'big three' have just agreed too a set of live debates on TV. I rather suspect it will end up like something out of Monty Python but it will be entertaining to watch. I think they will look total wallies so it will probably be the first and last time it ever happens. Mind you it would be great sport if it ended in a fight between the three of them (sorry Hoddy I know you disapprove of fighting  but even you must admit it would be a bit like handbags at dawn and rather funny).


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Interesting old mate.

How can we leave Europe now when we have to import electricity under the channel? And loads of other stuff? By commonwealth what i meant was trade: im old enough to remember how this ruined the agreements we had with Oz and the rest, cos the firm I worked  for then exported print machines and the rest to the commonwealth. we sold them cars, fridges and print machines; they sold us meat butter cheese and so on. And all at special customs duty rates.

It was part of my work then to handle all the orders: and after heath did his deal with Europe the trade died cos we couldn't compete against the germans for one.

As for BNp what about that french bloke Pen?? or something? He shook up the french government surely?

Would be the same for BNP or Ukip. But not enough people would vote for them cos loads of dossers would still vote labour; and loads of stuck up nobs would always vote for Dave.

And thats the main prob old mate; they swap it between them and are pretty confident to retain power to carry on ruining the country.

Thats what we want; a wake up call and pols to smell the coffee; aint gonna come from the poncy geezer Nick Clegg now is it?

As for spoiling my voting slip thats like refusing to play rounders cos its a girlies game and sissy, mate!

All the bozos who always vote labour or tory will make sure one of em wins, cos a spoiled vote paper isn't counted me old mate; you might as well stay in bed and not bother!



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