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'elf & Safety myths, one for the DM readers ?


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Awww, nanny wants to be taken seriously by a population its treats like dim 3 year olds. I think it going to take a little more than spin in the media somehow.

Lets hope the recession over the next few years drives the elf and safety army of nincompoops back where they belong: running organisations like the Boy Scouts and Brownies.

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All aspects of modern day life involve an certain element of risk, whether it is driving a car, playing sports or just crossing the road and we usually take what we consider reasonable measures to control those risks (observe speed limits, look both ways, etc.). However in public life, we seem to have developed a compensation culture, (driven in part by no win, no fee lawyers, underwritten by the assurance industry and encouraged by certain elements of the press, rarely able to provide constructive critism) wherein reasonable is not enough. Nobody in a position of responsibility (local government official, medical practioner, headteacher, etc.) can feel happy carrying out what they consider a thorough risk (viz. reasonable) assessment of an activity only to find that if, for whatever reason, it goes wrong, not only will they be pilloried in the press but also find themselves facing some clever barrister able to  find some legal argument to win substantial compensation for their client against them. We ourselves (cynics included) are to blame for allowing “the playing it safe culture” to develop - seeking to blame the HSE is a cop-out.


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[quote user="brianagain"]We ourselves (cynics included) are to blame for allowing “the playing it safe culture” to develop - seeking to blame the HSE is a cop-out.



I suppose the obvious question is what 'we ourselves' could have done to stop the absurd, wrap everyone in cotton wool situation we now find ourselves in.


Blaming the elf and safety nannies is not a cop-out: it's a start.

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[quote user="Devon"]

[quote user="brianagain"]We ourselves (cynics included) are to blame for allowing “the playing it safe culture” to develop - seeking to blame the HSE is a cop-out.




I suppose the obvious question is what 'we ourselves' could have done to stop the absurd, wrap everyone in cotton wool situation we now find ourselves in.


Blaming the elf and safety nannies is not a cop-out: it's a start.


Indeed. Of course WE are to blame for voting them in power in the first place.

However, I did not.

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[quote user="Tandem_Pilot"][quote user="Devon"]

[quote user="brianagain"]We ourselves (cynics included) are to blame for allowing “the playing it safe culture” to develop - seeking to blame the HSE is a cop-out.



I suppose the obvious question is what 'we ourselves' could have done to stop the absurd, wrap everyone in cotton wool situation we now find ourselves in.


Blaming the elf and safety nannies is not a cop-out: it's a start.


Indeed. Of course WE are to blame for voting them in power in the first place.

However, I did not.



Well, like yourself TP, I didn't vote for them either. So WE are not to blame [:)]

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[quote user="Devon"]I suppose the obvious question is what 'we ourselves' could have done to stop the absurd, wrap everyone in cotton wool situation we now find ourselves in.[/quote]We can start by accepting that accidents happen and they are not automatically someone elses fault.

My favourite example of this 'someone else to blame' culture is the TV ad where some prize pillock is up a ladder drilling a hole and the ladder slips and falls which he claims was due to being given the 'wrong sort of ladder', I know it's an advert but I still see red every time it comes on.

These day hardly a car accident occurs which doesn't result in alleged

whiplash or some other nebulous trauma deserving of £xxxxx compensation.

A few years back I was involved in a serious accident where another car just pulled out in front of me and I 'T Boned' it at best part of 60mph. Thankfully we both walked away with nothing more than a few bruises but my insurance company pestered me incessantly to put in a claim for personal injuries which I had not sustained. I refused, however whilst not setting myself up as any paragon of virtue, I think it's fair to say that the majority would probably have acquiesced and ticked the YES box.

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[quote user="brianagain"]I think we get the politicians we deserve - apathy reigns![/quote]IMO anyone who says they want to be a politician should instantly be disqualified from being one [:P]

I'd like to be apathetic but can't be bothered.


Procrastinators rise up - tomorrow !

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I  had an accident a few years back,  when on a very wet afternoon my little Polo skidded on a bend into a Toyota Landcruiser - the Polo was 'undriveable' was ultimately written off, there were a few dents to the Landcruiser and before he drove off the man and son came over  menacingly and swore at me badly (seriously swear words too!),  I was alone, no mobile phone and he left offering  no help of any kind - just bad language, insults and threats to a smallish (not so young) female on her own.

Months later I heard via the insurance company that he was claiming he was emotionally damaged, unable to drive as he was now so very nervous, had neck problems, and even wept in front of his lawyer !   I had almost forgotten about it - although I was quite shaken at the time. 

Clearly an example of our litigious society and how many greedy people try to take advantage of insurance companies.  I did provide the insurance company with a description of this man's attitude and behaviour - as clearly he was a lying toad - that's insulting toads too!


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