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Forum Member cooperlola


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[quote user="cooperlola2"]some fine images of an awful lot of Meccano here and there![/quote]Best tuck that in with the passport then, the old metal detector at the airport will be going loopy [:)]

Glad she's on the mend and I'll dedicate at least one [B] to her whilst I'm at the Munich Oktoberfest this weekend.

I'm going to to against my doctors recommendation this time and have 2 drinks - the first and the last [:P]

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been away for 3 weeks - clearing/cleaning dad's house. My thoughts drifted many times to you two, and I am so glad to hear Coops is improving and that you are able to spend much time with her. so hope she will be able to move to rehab near you soon. Mes chaleureuses salutations  Odile

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When Mrs Sunday had her new knee fitted at CHU Angers, she spent ten days or so in the hospital rehabilitation centre.  She found the nursing and physio staff wonderful and the rest of the patients were very supportive.  She often spent time in the communal area having a laugh with them, despite many of them being in a much worse state than her.

When she says 'I'm bored with all this' then you know she's ready to come home.........[;-)]



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The cooperlola front is not as promising as we'd hoped. Despite the Parigne l'Eveque mention ten days ago, no sign of a move there, or to any other rehab centre. Deb is going quietly crackers! The staff remain fine and effective, and all the signs are very positive - but this is a hospital, and it's done its part. They've clearly been onto Parigne, but apparently at yesterday's meeting where Parigne sorts out incomers and applications, Deb's case failed to make the cut. No doubt Sarthois hopitales get first shout - but then we pay our contributions in Sarthe, so want our pound of flesh! It also needs to be borne in mind that eventually we are confident that an insurer will pick up the tab for all this, so costs are recoverable.

Tomorrow I will be at CPAM first thing to tell them that unless they do something, I am now suffering from exhaustion - I've driven over 5000 miles in the last 4 weeks, to and from Rouen - and risk falling asleep at the wheel. If that doesn't impress them, I'll perform the old movie stunt of setting off the fire alarms. A year ago, Deb and others of you banded together to defeat the silly idea of throwing out the Brits from the health scheme. Could I really do anything less?

If you hear a tale about a rostbif being dragged off to the Bastille for wasting sapeurs/pompiers' time - it's me!

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We have a date for Deb to move to a rehabilitation centre – Tuesday! The centre, of which I have no details as yet, is at Le Grand Luce, SE of Le Mans. I estimate the journey time from here as an hour, with no autoroute mileage – much easier going!


We spent some time in the café today – by wheelchair, of course - and then went out front onto the ambulance drop-off zone. It was really hot! Deb had a blanket over her, and regretted it. Some September we’re having here.

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[quote user="cooperlola2"]

We have a date for Deb to move to a rehabilitation centre – Tuesday! The centre, of which I have no details as yet, is at Le Grand Luce, SE of Le Mans. I estimate the journey time from here as an hour, with no autoroute mileage – much easier going!


We spent some time in the café today – by wheelchair, of course - and then went out front onto the ambulance drop-off zone. It was really hot! Deb had a blanket over her, and regretted it. Some September we’re having here.


Excellent news.

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Staff taking their opportunities to thank Deb for being a model patient! For the record, we'd say Rouen had looked after her marvellously. Very hard to see any flaws in their performance. It would be limited to trivia like being left on the bedpan for an uncomfortably long period - horrid at the time, forgotten overnight.

We filled in their standard multi-page questionnaire, and had trouble not awarding top rating everywhere. Food was a bit salty, Deb found - odd in an era when we are told we eat too much of the stuff - but helpings were generous!

Deb departs Rouen for Le Grand Luce at midday tomorrow - details when we know more about the new gaff!

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As of today – is that English? – Deb has been moved 150 miles from Rouen to Le Grand Luce, SE of Le Mans. She is in a rehabilitation unit, where more vigorous physio can be undertaken. I am deeply relieved, having driven over 6000 miles in more than 20 trips to Rouen since her accident, 5 weeks ago today. The new facility is only 34 miles away, instead of 120. I may become less tired!  She is now sharing a room, with an elderly French lady. I left them watching the French version of Countdown! A deeply dishy doctor had been in and given Deb a quick exam, as well as looking at the handover notes from Rouen. She was clearly impressed with the extensive list of fractures! The orthopaedic surgeon visits on Thursday, and he will assess Deb and then prescribe a regime for the physiotherapists to follow.

Once again, one finds the hospital to be modern and well-staffed. Even the admin people turn out to be charming and helpful – my limited French seems to be nearly adequate on these occasions, and we can share some humour. It all looks terribly promising.

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Deb seems to have seen another doctor this morning, and the visiting orthopaedic surgeon this afternoon, for which I was present. The news ain’t great, really – she’s there for at least another two months, probably. Substantial bone growth is needed around the breaks in the right knee before it can be weight-bearing, and that’s that. Physiotherapy starts tomorrow, we hope, based upon the chief physiotherapist being present & taking notes during this afternoon’s consultation. The orthopod seemed a bit disappointed that he had old x-rays. We don’t understand why, as fresh ones were taken at Rouen last week, but perhaps they were mislaid there. More will be taken soon, so he has a better idea of what progress has been made to date – the Rouen surgeon seemed quite pleased, so perhaps we have some better news to follow. I’m trying to be cheerful, honest!

Once again, I pushed Deb round the grounds in the wheelchair, enjoying warm Autumn sun. Clearly we won’t be doing that in a month’s time! They’ve now dug up a crane for lifting her in and out of the chair, which reduces the number of volunteers needed for this event!

Contact details for cooperlola have been passed to moderator Cat, so anyone itching to send a card - or even an accusation of attention seeking! - can obtain details by asking her nicely! Flowers still aren't on the agenda, sadly.

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 so sorry to hear the mending process may take longer- but at least you are near her now. From what I can gather, Coops is a true fighter and will do well once physio gets going. Thinking of you 2 and bonne chance again (in French 'break a leg' (not funny I know) = m er d e!

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Deb has managed to scrawl something for me to transcribe here. Even though it’s quite short, she found it exhausted all the strength in her right hand, which is, of course, still in a splint. 

“I can’t write properly yet, so am scribbling this in hospital for Ian to transcribe. Just to say a brief thankyou to everybody for your posts (which unhappily I have thus far been unable to read as I have no Internet access) and special thanks to all those who have sent cards, letters & presents. They certainly help to keep me sane during what is going to be a pretty long haul in hospital. Happily the only pain is in my backside & that is from boredom! I’m going to be allowed to start walking in November & hopefully will be home for Xmas when with luck I’ll be able to reply to you individually.  

Meanwhile thanks again for all your good wishes. Drive safely!” 

Late this afternoon, just as we were coming back from our wheelchair promenade around the grounds, the physio called Deb in and she started her first full session there, which is a relief. The physio has told Deb candidly that 18 months may be needed to restore full strength in her right leg. He also feels there are better places than his particular hospital for patients with Deb’s kind of injuries, and will be discussing this with hospital seniors and the orthopaedic surgeon in due course. She will be back in the physio treatment room first thing tomorrow, reflecting his recognition that Deb’s needs may be more urgent than some of his other – far older – patients. 

Earlier, we spent a few pointless moments adding up the number of fractures Deb suffered in the crash. We are sure it is at least 25, possibly several more. Ouch!

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Hello Deb and Ian

I am really glad that you are on the way to recovery now  yes it might be a long while before you can run again but it is always important to learn to walk frist.

I had a thought, if you are going to be a captive audience for a while, why dont you start writing (or dictating to recorder) a book or an article, it might keep you from being quite so bored and would be somthing good to come out of your inactivity.

Keep your chin up we are all thinking about you.




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Ian (Mr Coops) has asked me to post this photo of Deb, taken outside the hospital on Sunday


He says...

[quote user="cooperlola2"] Deb is wearing her Flying Lizard gear in honour of their taking the manufacturer’s and drivers’ championships in the American Le Mans Series on Saturday. They are a Californian racing team who we have been friendly with for a few years – they race here at Le Mans every June. The pic is also up on their fansite, with good wishes to Deb from the team, which is nice.



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