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Parents of Edlington torture brothers could face charges.


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It's all very well saying that chidren at risk should be "taken into care" but then where do they go? As RH says, families often have to be split because of lack of suitable places. When children are removed from their parents they are extremely disturbed by the move, and it takes very special foster parents to cope.

There used to be family group homes, not sure if they still exist.

As for the two brothers, I was listening to a phone in on the radio yesterday, and a woman in charge of a therapy centre was quite positive about the chances of reversing the habit of hating and destruction in this kind of child, but it all takes time.

I used to work indirectly with this type of family too, and came across similar situations several times - the cycle of deprivation (of love.) 


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[quote user="dragonrouge"]Dog I am in that profession and I really find your comments objectionable. Listen to this I come from let us say a very working class background and my late Father who worked on his belly in a seam of coal 2'9" wide always but always fought for the underdog. I have carried out my last five cases on a pro bono basis and continue to do so. I do not go to drinking holes and as for prosecution and defence agreeing the way forward then obviously very you have a penchant for wine and it undoubtedly shows.l Your views are without substance. I have but always thought as a Dog as a man's best friend. I have changed my mind. Come and see me and come back to the Uk and I will pay that will open your eyes. You are asleep at the moment.[/quote]

My comments were obviously not about you personally. You must be in a very sheletered part of the legal profession if you do not realise the things I describe go on. I could elucidate further I have lots of experience of dodgy practice by lawyers. It does not mean they are all dodogy just that have I have met more than my fair share - I have also met some good hard working lawyers and could not question their probity.

I have also done much work for people free or heavily subsidised - we all try to help out when we can. It is necessary to draw the line somewhere as without some income it is impossible to subsidise the non/less payers.

My comments are all possible of substantiation. I drink beer not wine.

I am wide awake but your post seems to fall into a dream like state towards the end or is it hypnotism?

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[quote user="Russethouse"]
Q, I certainly know of a case where siblings were split up, some older children remained with the mother while the younger two were put into care and a third child was placed somewhere else entirely.

She tells me this has been in the last 12 months or so. As another poster says its not always physically possible to keep them all in one place. I guess there are not that many foster homes around that can cater for sibling groups of any number. I also suspect that there are not that many foster homes available full stop like there used to be. As is normal somebody makes a decision without looking at the whole picture or understanding the implications.

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