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Impôts 2018


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Morning all

For several years we have paid impôts sur les revenus in advance by monthly prélèvements (all our income is pension from the UK). On our avis primitif this year it says from Jan 1 2019 the prélèvement will be from the "source à compter" and the current prélèvement from the bank will finish at the end of this year. Can anyone help with what we actually need to do, as obviously they can't take our taxes at source.
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Sorry to hear about hte broken ankle, EmilyA, hope it improves daily.

I had a similar situation, trying to put in a prelevement to a different account for next year .. the answer, not needed, as it will be taxed at source!  Like you, only UK pension income, so how that will be done will be  interesting!

Have still to follow it up, so if I do find the answer I'll let you know.

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Sorry to hear about your ankle.
This is a situation I foresaw as soon as the system  was mooted and have not seen an answer anywhere yet.
I have always found that the Impôts reply efficiently if you contact them via your 'espace particulier....nous contacter...messangrie

this link may not work but I am sure you can get to yours and that would avoid having  to move physically from home..

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You have given them details of your bank account for the current prelevement.

I think you will find they will just take regular amounts from that account based on their estimate of your likely tax bill based on the previous bill.

I have a calculation in the last page of my avis which estimates how much they expect to take each month and then:

Ce montant sera prélevé chaque mois à compter du 15/01/2019

sur le compte bancaire indiqué en haut de la page 2 de cet avis.

Si vous souhaitez modifier le compte bancaire ou opter pour

un prélèvement trimestriel, rendez-vous sur impots.gouv.fr

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NormanH, indeed the impots are usually very quick to reply to messages sent through the system, and my reply took longer than usual, so I presume they were confounded too.  I have yet to get back to them, as I presume they will take "amounts" calculated on the annual tax paid, but they did not answer the part about changing the account no.  We do not pay by prelevement - yet, so why that should be difficult, I do not know!  But it was!

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A few months ago when this was still in the planning stage I asked this very question of the person giving me a lift (BlaBlaCar) who happens to work in the Tax office in Foix.
At that stage he had no idea and I suspect that as the whole thing was up in the air for quite a while (it was only very recently confirmed that it would indeed go ahead) I presume that the very specialised cases such as British pensioners may still be being ironed out in some offices..

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and I have been trying to get information for 'french' pensioners who do not live in France and no longer pay impots in France as per international conventions.

Can I get information, nope. And the CNAV are as per usual like a chocolate fireguard.

sadly I believe that the CNAV will debit tax from the pension even when they should not and then I will have a fight on my hands to get it back.

Thanks for the reminder to get onto this, yet again, think I should.

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Hi, just to add to this thread. We've previously paid tax by cheque and then on-line. Our UK pensions aren't put into our French bank and so there's no regular monthly deposit. I wrote to ask what will happen come January 2019 - do we continue as before, or what? I've just had a reply and thought I'd post it here in case it's of any value to others - especially the mistake I made completing this year's declaration on-line.



Vos pensions provenant du Royaume Uni, il doit y avoir un prélèvement d'acompte sur vos comptes bancaires chaque mois à partir du premier janvier 2019.

Attention, vous avez indiqué vos pensions en cases 1AS et 1BS sur votre déclaration de revenu. Ces cases sont réservées au pensions d'origine française.

Il faut corriger votre déclaration en enlevant les montants de ces cases et en les notant en cases 1AM et 1BM.

Le logiciel vous calculera alors le montant de l'acompte qui sera prélevé sur votre compte bancaire.

Comme vous avez déclaré par Internet, vous pouvez retourner sur votre espace sécurisé au plus tôt puis, allez sur "Corriger / ma déclaration en ligne 2018".

Là vous corriger les cases de la page des pensions comme indiqué ci-dessus et vous validez la correction.

L'acompte de prélèvement à la source sera alors calculé automatiquement.

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