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UK£ and the Euro


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Anyone notice that in spite of the Euro dropping against the USdollar,  no real change in the appreciation of the UK £ ?

And we read that the FSA will be disbanded if the Conservatives win.  The FSA controlled the financial reporting and 'policing' of all financial institutions, including insurance  in the UK.  The deputy head  of the FSA was a mate of GBroon and he has just resigned, but has a murky past with HFX/RBOS, and he clearly had a huge influence in this bank's scandalous, wasteful  and costly role  in the financial crisis.

More evidence of what a mess NuLab has created.   Much worse than the last one they created in the 1970s,  but then Joe Public has given them more time.


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[quote user="tegwini"]
 The deputy head  of the FSA was a mate of GBroon and he has just resigned, but has a murky past with HFX/RBOS, and he clearly had a huge influence in this bank's scandalous, wasteful  and costly role  in the financial crisis.



It's not actually correct, this was talked about on C4 yesterday. The guy was on a 3 year contract which finish's in June or July. He is not going to extend the contract but then he made it quite clear when he started that he would only do the 3 years anyway. Not renewing and resigning are two different things although unfortunatly some newspaper reporters seem to think its the same thing. They also seem to ignore the fact that he never intended to renew from the day he started.

As to the FSA, will there be any need for it, I thought the new (French) guy in Brussels was going to deal with this sort of thing on an EU basis although it seems not many people (including himself probably) know exactly what he will do and what his powers will be?

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="tegwini"]

 The deputy head  of the FSA was a mate of GBroon and he has just resigned, but has a murky past with HFX/RBOS, and he clearly had a huge influence in this bank's scandalous, wasteful  and costly role  in the financial crisis.



It's not actually correct, this was talked about on C4 yesterday. The guy was on a 3 year contract which finish's in June or July. He is not going to extend the contract but then he made it quite clear when he started that he would only do the 3 years anyway. Not renewing and resigning are two different things although unfortunatly some newspaper reporters seem to think its the same thing. They also seem to ignore the fact that he never intended to renew from the day he started.

As to the FSA, will there be any need for it, I thought the new (French) guy in Brussels was going to deal with this sort of thing on an EU basis although it seems not many people (including himself probably) know exactly what he will do and what his powers will be?



Well according the BBC he 'resigned' and this is on the above link from today's BBC business news.  (needs sorting to be able to open it pse) and GBroon in parliament said it was" right he had stepped down from the FSA".

But my point is that he clearly wasn't up to the HBOS job -  and frankly,  I find it quite scary that he had such an influential and powerful job where he also messed up!


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