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All yellow vehicles to be banned.


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It has been announced by HMG that due to the now proven negative impact

that the colour yellow has on the UK populous, all yellow vehicles are

to be banned.

A paint scrappage scheme is to be introduced

for those that wish to retain their vehicles by re-painting (at reduced

rates) although they must be taken to the spray-shop either covered or

during the hours of darkness.

A spokesperson has said the

"The government hopes that removal of this dangerous colour from

vehicles in society will bring about an improvement in the general

health of the nation".
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Actually nothing would surprise me. The problem is some of the more gullible will believe it. I was thinking of the 'Windows Scrappage Scheme' as used in an advert on TV by a particular double glazing company which is named after a very famous mountain. It does not exist, its a thing that the group that represents all these glazing companies came up with and even put a petition on the No 10 website but it only has just under 2000 signatures. Even a Labour MP who was interviewed on the TV a few nights back mentioned it in the same context as the car scrapping scheme and how it was a Labour driven energy saving incentive. Obviously knows a lot about his own parties activities...... not.
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Oh, Pacha, I'm up to my eyes in fosses at the moment and never want to hear the word again, especially as the owner has decided not to sell me his house. 

Next house I look at is going to have MAINS DRAINS![I]

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Sorry to see the sale had fallen through on other thread. But maybe all for the best. Quite right to prefer mains drainage it makes life simpler and certainly cheaper. The recent tempest has certainly let the fosse hit the fan on desirable littoral retirement properties.Bon Courage! PPP.
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Pacha, many thanks for your kind words.  As you say, disappointing though it is, there will be other properties and I just have to keep looking.

No comparison of course to the poor people who have lost homes and much else and I count myself lucky that I still have an intact house to live in and we are all, for the moment at least, safe and well.

Thank you again for all the help and information which you have so unstintingly given me.

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No law says that people have to take up the scrappage offer but I know what you are getting at.

I nearly cried when I saw the photos, 99% of those cars look to be newer and/or in better condition than my car and I bet that most of them have only done a fraction of the 400,000 kms that she has clocked up. And I reckon that she still has another 5 years of service to give.

I know of a few people whose perfectly serviceable old cars are amongst that lot, one couple said she is beginning to cost money as she needs a new exhaust (the 1st replacement) another that they had to soon pay out for new brake pads and shoes, once again the originals that had worn out. I remember the days when that was almost an annual ritual for most motorists.

Cars these days seem to be thrown away on a whim like CRT televisions.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Cars these days seem to be thrown away on a whim like CRT televisions.


And like almost any other electronic or other gadget you can think of .....  when I think how long we have had some of our heaters, and we keep repairing them  (Actually I sometimes wish they were not repairable, then I could throw them away ....!!)

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[quote user="pachapapa"]Quite right to prefer mains drainage it makes life simpler and certainly cheaper[/quote]Cheaper - I'd like to know how you work that one out ?

On fosse my water costs me just over €1/m3. If I were to be converted to mains in broad terms my sewage charge would equal my consumption and then they add the same again on top for fun so my €1/m3 is now nearer €3. I have friends nearby on mains and know that they pay nearly 3x as much as me.

Agreed I do have to factor in emptying maybe every 5 years and sachets of Eparcyl from time to time (in the absence of a ready supply of dead rats) but the cost of that is pretty insignificant over that time.

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