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"Crowdsourcing "


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What a great word ! Seems the new UK governement want ideas for new legislation from the public....They will get burried in them I should think.....

I will kick it off ...In the UK Pay benefits to all immigrants on arrival based on the benefits their country would pay me if I were to apply for them in the same circumstamces ...In France Let the shopkeepers choose how they want to run their businesses and the hours they open ...Now what gems of legislation would you like to see come into force UK and France ?
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[quote user="Frederick"]What a great word ! Seems the new UK governement want ideas for new legislation from the public....They will get burried in them I should think..... I will kick it off ...In the UK Pay benefits to all immigrants on arrival based on the benefits their country would pay me if I were to apply for them in the same circumstamces ...In France Let the shopkeepers choose how they want to run their businesses and the hours they open ...Now what gems of legislation would you like to see come into force UK and France ?[/quote]

Immigrants to the UK get zero benefits. Source: my French nephews and neices. Are you saying that on arrival you should qualify immediately, and not have to work the 6 month qualifying period. Or, well the alternative is just too horrible, you've been reading that newspaper.

Capital Gains Tax at 100%. Zero Rate Income Tax on earned income. If you work for it you keep it, if it's just because your house has gone up in value, tough luck. Get rid of the Middle Class money grabbers.

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Ok - you earn your money - and it's taxed. What you have left you put into savings to earn interest - in the hope you will have a 'little nest egg' - but it's taxed, so you are being taxed on the remaining money you are trying to save. That's the first thing I'd sort out - stop taxing savings. You gotta live on something and that includes taxing pensions!
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And when you've 'done the right thing' and saved your taxed money and paid tax on the interest, when you eventually pop your clogs you may well have to - wait for it -pay tax !!!  What a wonderful incentive scheme.

Now I would stop building those stupid windmills at nearly a MILLION bucks a time and generate a miniscule amount of energy.  2000 windmills plus 2 BILLION for the infrastructure to support them gives you 4 BILLION saved.

Not a whole lot in the grand plan but as someone once said, 'A billion here, a billion there and you're soon talking about real money'

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